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jerc82·LowPriceBud·1852d48 reviews

Northern Rainbow, Low Price Bud, Feb 5.

Why ? Because Im happy With LPB and get good service. That is 100% a 1.4g Mystery ’Gram’

Shop where ever treats you good, always provides fresh sticky buds for fair prices and tosses in free quarters and free CBD Isolate....what ever your happy with is cool.....

I have shopped ...
jerc82·LowPriceBud·1852d48 reviews

Purple Voodoo, Low Price Bud, Feb 5.

Very easy. I transfer the bud to a Mason Jar soon but this was only a mystery gram. It weighted 1.3g and is caked in Crystal. I find the mystery Gram a fun great deal for $5

I’ll review it in depth soon here guys.
bcLuke_·LowPriceBud·1853d2 reviews

Lindsay OG Gasleak - Low Price Bud - Feb 2020

Value 9.5/10. Used 20$ worth of points earned on last post for lowpricebud Pink Gorilla so it paid for shipping cost so excellent deal.
Quality 9.5/10 this stuff is as dank as Space Farms Lindsay OG. That said, this strain smoked nice with strong kush taste and almost instant heavy indica effect...
Otownkush·LowPriceBud·1853d41 reviews

lowpricebud early Feb/20 order

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Easy to navigate site, pricing on ounces and up is great; any lower and it’s pretty inflated.


Very fast to...
cannadatrees·LowPriceBud·1853d196 reviews

OG kush - LPB - Feb/20

Nice sticky chunky buds that smell of gas, kush, and pine.

Rolls up very easily, burns white with a nice oil ring. Tastes very kushy, the kind that makes your eyes water. Great punch to the chest from a big bowl, too

Zones you out nicely, had me very talkative and upbeat. God ov...
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