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AloneAdvisor·LowPriceBud·1854d16 reviews

Gelato / Lowpricebuds / Feb1st

Value 7 - 165oz

Quality 6.7

This was a sample I received with my order. Very dense bud, crystalized and long orange hairs. The aroma was a mix of berries, mint and kush. The smoke was abit more dull, I find it lacked the sweet flavor like its aroma, but it did burn nice. I find th...
DDKLondon·LowPriceBud·1855d31 reviews

Bruce Banner- Low Price Bud- February 2020

Value 8/10 Quality 8/10

I love me some Bruce Banner and Low Price Bud didn’t disappoint. I have a high tolerance and this made me feel real nice. Smells good, looks good and is good.
yasgodx4·LowPriceBud·1855d7 reviews

Rock Tuna - LowPriceBud Early Feb 2020

**Value**:10/10 (Got 7g free sample, after discount $184)

**Quality**: 9/10 (Nose could be a bit stronger)


**OVERALL RATING OUT 10:** 9.5/10

**COMMUNICATION/SERVICE:** 10/10 Responded to my emails quick, and threw in samples as I asked...
pita1984·LowPriceBud·1855d163 reviews

Wedding Cake Smalls LowPriceBud February 2020

Value - 8/10 $99 these are some nice dub smalls.
If they were trips or quad smalls it would be better.

Quality - 10/10
For AAs these are nicer than your tipical dubs and are caked hard with trichomes making this an easy choice based on AAs their as nice as it gets.
The la...
kashmirs_tiger·LowPriceBud·1856d106 reviews

Mike tyson - lowpricebud - feb 2

I like it, good stuff compared to what most Mom’s sell for 220 an oz. looks great, trim is good, not too dry or anything, hits u quick but comes off in like 30 mins if ur a heavy user. Smokes good in the bong tho, i like it. Kind of smooth.

Value 8.5/10
Quality 8.5/10
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