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mattnchels·LowPriceBud·1867d120 reviews

Pink Gorilla from lowpricebud January 21st 2020

Bag appeal - Nice fairly dense, super duper sticky, frosty, and stinky buds. Very nicely trimmed. Just handling this bud will leave your fingers gummed up with sticky resin amd trichomes. A nice mix of light and dark green leaf with vibrant bright orange pistils which is all just slightly visible un...
AimOrDie·LowPriceBud·1867d108 reviews

Mike Tyson Craft - LowPriceBud - January 2020

Quality 9/10
Value 8/10
Lemieux6262·LowPriceBud·1867d8 reviews

Blackberry Kush- Low price bud- Jan 24, 2020

Size: 8/10 Buds were a decent. All being around 1 gram or more. One pictured was around 1.5 grams. No shake apparent in the bag.

Bag Appeal: 7/10 Buds were dense, bright green with highlights of orange pistils throughout. Trim could have been a bit better as there were a fair amount of leaf...
lemieux6262·LowPriceBud·1867d205 reviews

Blackberry Kush- Low price buds- Jan 24, 2020

Lol. It’s a wrist rest. What laptop do you have that’s made of leather bro.
canadianMOMson·LowPriceBud·1868d54 reviews

Bubba king craft by gasleak - lowpricebud - mid jan

Sweet bubba kush nose. Rip open the nugs and grt more skunk and kush smell. Smoke is thick and heavy. Gassy skunky. The buzz is strong indica. Heavy couch lock on this 1. Great for sleep. Gorgeous stuff. Very very sticky n good cure. Colorful. Good crystal. A very very nice quad. This is the last of...
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