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Vape66·LowPriceBud·1868d18 reviews

Rock Tuna Craft -Low Price Bud - January 2020

i purchased 5g shatter/budder deal and inquired about other shipping options . they sent to samples with my order , at first thought , alright , but upon scaling both samples, they were well over the indicated 1g on the bag. they were closer to 2g each . thank you LPB, it is much appreciated and it ...
canadianMOMson·LowPriceBud·1868d54 reviews

Mk ultra craft - lowpricebud - mid jan

Ok. So super sticky. Dense as hell. Crystals are impressive. Caked and they shine well in this vid clip. Nugs bust like good kush. Crispy gorgeous insides. Covered in crystal and tons of skunk kush and a sweet smell come out. Also has a hint of pine and gas to the nose. Smoke is heavyyyy. And thick....
crushedlord·LowPriceBud·1868d7 reviews

JET FUEL from LOWPRICEBUDS ordered January 17 received January 23

I would definitely recommend it, it wasn’t a to bad price for jet fuel. the kief is beautiful on the inside I would have taken a picture but I couldn’t wait to dive in haha.
crushedlord·LowPriceBud·1868d7 reviews

TGA KUSH from lowpricebuds ordered January 17th received on 23rd

Will update once I’ve tried just showcasing my order, but so far amazing fruit smell and beautiful bag appeal!
bulletchained·LowPriceBud·1868d19 reviews

Jet Fuel - LowPriceBud - January

q. 7
v. 8.5

nice sweet gassy smell, medium popcorny buds, $125 zip on sale, decent cure, chill lighter daytime smoke
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