Specialty / Description
Small batch craft flowers/Bubble hash rosin
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Discord: NaturesFire#7232, Email: [email protected]


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Brokehomiejohn·NFCanna·1639d41 reviews

Reeze McFlurry BHO - Nature's Fire - Sept 2020

I really enjoyed this strain when I had it from CWF so decided to try the shatter. Really enjoyed it, when cooler it’s a glassy texture but as you handle it becomes more pull-snap. Still stays nice and stable. The terps are identical to the flower, almost an umami flavour, like sushi or some kind ...
MCDaddy75·NFCanna·1681d156 reviews

Queen Sherbert - Nature's Fire - July

Queen Sherbert from Nature’s Fire
Queen Sherbert Final 1 small.png
Visual: This one was the nicest visually out of the round. It had big fat crystals all over it. It was super frosty and sparkly. It had a nice structure with bunches of wispy brown hairs all over. It was a light green but a...
MCDaddy75·NFCanna·1681d432 reviews

Queen Sherbert - Nature's Fire - July

**Queen Sherbert from Nature’s Fire**

**Visual:** This one was the nicest visually out of the round. It had big fat crystals all over it. It was super frosty and sparkly. It had a nice structure with bunches of wispy brown hairs all over. It was a light green but all the crystal made it e...
MCDaddy75·NFCanna·1685d156 reviews

Lemon Tree - Nature's Fire - July

Lemon Tree from Nature’s Fire
Lemon Tree Final 1 small.png
Visual: It looked like a cool little Lemon tree! It was one big bud in the shape of a cone like tree, it was a very neat structure. It had nice colouring with deep medium greens with some purple leaves and lots of patches of orange...
MCDaddy75·NFCanna·1685d432 reviews

Lemon Tree - Nature's Fire - July

**Lemon Tree from Nature’s Fire**

**Visual:** It looked like a cool little Lemon tree! It was one big bud in the shape of a cone like tree, it was a very neat structure. It had nice colouring with deep medium greens with some purple leaves and lots of patches of orange and brown hairs. Th...
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