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thebossphoenix·OkanaganGreen·2054d19 reviews

Tom Ford Pink Kush - Okanagan Green - May/2019

Sorry for low quality.

This stuff is absolutely caked!! Bag appeal is off the charts, nice big buds, trimmed very well, about 1g of shake in a QP.

Smokes very smooth, has a very pungent aroma and burns to a grey ash. IMO this was an absolute steal for the price.
StonerSteve64·OkanaganGreen·2056d474 reviews

4 Star General HTE - Okanagan Green - May

Earthy/pine with a diesel finish

Violator - OKG - Early May

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edless-94·OkanaganGreen·2061d7 reviews

Fruit loops - okg :)

Your weed looks like dirt at the bottom of a ugly ass cunt
joyc0048·OkanaganGreen·2068d6 reviews

Critical mass - okg - April '19

Yes, there is some bud under all that hair. This stuff smells super sweet, and really reminds me of honey dew melon. Tastes nice in a joint. Potency is average. Pretty happy with it overall.
1 · · ·38 39 40 41 42 · · ·98


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