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joyc0048·OkanaganGreen·2069d6 reviews

LSD - okg - end of April '19

Weird bag appeal. Looks kinda like a bad children’s drawing of weed. Huge dense nugs though. Smells like sweet lemon candy at first, bit there’s a background of dank rotten lemons. Came perfectly dried and cured. Sticky as hell, and plenty potent.
Raptorfan93·OkanaganGreen·2071d2 reviews

CANseries - Okg - Okanagan Green - RaptorFan93

Hi all,

Welcome to the sixth post of the CANseries. Apologies for the delay since my last post, but life has been demanding. Today’s review is about an Instagram Mail order service called Okanagan Green or Okg.

I initially came across this service based on a review from an OG on ...
HotdogPhil81·OkanaganGreen·2075d39 reviews

Black Gas - OKG - April 2019

Won 7g of Black Gas from a community member. Definitely the strongest stuff I’ve had from a MOM so far. Very gassy taste+smell with sweet undertones.

Smoke: A+ - Thick and heavy smoke from a bong but very manageable.

Smell: A+ Sweet gas.

Taste: A+ Really gassy taste w...
onlyjahkno·OkanaganGreen·2077d5 reviews

3 in the pink #1 | OKG | April ‘19

This was some of the nicest cannabis I’ve ever had. Nose wasn’t the strongest but. It hit on every other aspect from ash to po-ten-cy.

3 in the pink #6/ OKG/ April 2019

True quad in my opinion. Beautiful cookies and bread taste. Super smooth smoke. Definitely worth the price imo super fat caked nugs, virtually zero shake. This is a winner.
1 · · ·39 40 41 42 43 · · ·98


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