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DemonicRedneck·OnlyGas·1057d2 reviews

Suga King ? - OnlyGas

Wraptor1·OnlyGas·1060d8 reviews

Dosidos-OnlyGas- April

Very nice flower. Has a sweet doughy smell to it. Sticky icky. Ashe is grey/white with very minor amounts of black.

Over all a steal for the price. Grabbed h/o of this and an oz of Donkey Butter.

Very happy with the buy.
LukeWoodz·OnlyGas·1062d103 reviews

Tropicana Cherry - OnlyGas - April 2022

Tropicana Cherry (Tropicana Cookies x Cherry Cookies)

Source - OnlyGas

Big fan of Tropicana strains , first time with trop cherry and its some fire , a lot like the Tropicana cookies im used to , dark buds that stink of orange juice , very addicting , white ash , ripe sour frui...
Ok_Hearing5489·OnlyGas·1064d26 reviews

Midnight Runtz - kingsmen / Onlygas - febuary

pretty late on this lol. bought this when it first went up on the site but its just been chilling in the Mylar while i worked through my other buds. still super dank sticky and spongey. really nice stuff for the 170$ tag.

crazy looking purple , emerald and white buds, one of the most res...
kyleisrlydead·OnlyGas·1064d35 reviews

Island Pink - OnlyGas - April 8th

First time trying Kind Selections and I was not disappointed. The terps weren’t overwhelming to be honest but that could be due to the strain. It smells slightly citrusy and floral. The taste is more of a sweet floral on the exhale.

This is the smoothest FSE I’ve ever smoked, left ze...
1 · · ·29 30 31 32 33 · · ·104


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