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loveweed666666·OnlyGas·1104d76 reviews

Jager, Onlygas, March 2022

This AAA Jager is nice, black liquorice terps are present. Not super strong terps but it’s there. Smooth mellow buzz, smokes perfect , light grey ash, spongy texture, very fresh batch . For $100 an Oz, it’s a killer deal ! I’m not credited for this small review, I do it because iloveweed
reeefermadass·OnlyGas·1109d20 reviews

Greasy Runtz - Only Gas - Mid February

Been loving this stuff, really strong nose, nice and sticky buds. Great overall flower and a steal with their sale.
SweetTrippy-·OnlyGas·1109d5 reviews

Rawtton - onlygas - mid feb- incentivized

In my never ending search for the perfect ‘Cheese’ strain, I stumbled upon Rawtton. To start, I ordered a half oz, they gave me 16 grams, in three beautiful dense nugs. She is super pungent, as soon as you open the bag you’re overwhelmed by a sharp cheese aroma! This is almost identical to a q...
Ok_Hearing5489·OnlyGas·1113d26 reviews

Multiple Strains - kingsmencrew (sourced@onlygas)- january

kingsmen did a great job on these

SMINTZ - (pictures 1-4) beautiful sparkly nugs that are super dense and sticky . great head coverage. smells sorta like a good ICC but with some mint in the background. Mint and gas comes through more in the taste, really appealing all the way through th...
Ok_Hearing5489·OnlyGas·1115d26 reviews

Orange Kush Cake (purple pheno) - OnlyGas - january

blown away by this stuff, only 100/z and I cant find a single thing I don't like. giant frosty nugs (my oz was about 6 nugs) that are perfect moisture and cure. super dense but still sticky and slightly spongey.

Smell is awesome, like citrus with sweet and sour creaminess alongside i...
1 · · ·33 34 35 36 37 · · ·104


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