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DummyNoJobby·OnlyGas·1141d14 reviews

Peanut Butter Breath - OnlyGas - January 2022 - Incentivized

i had initially got this as a sample with my last order and it was so tasty that i had to purchase a full zip. would definitely recommend! very strong and deep nutty flavour when smoked, so delicious.
*Receiving a $20 coupon for reddit review
DummyNoJobby·OnlyGas·1141d14 reviews

Kush Mints - OnlyGas - January 2022 - Incentivized

lights super easy and stays burning. clean white ash. not the strongest smell or taste, but both are pleasantly kushy. prolly not a reorder for me but nothing to shake a stick at. really potent stuff though!
*Receiving a $20 coupon for reddit review
NovaCain08·OnlyGas·1141d1 review

Orange kush cake- Onlygas- January

So this is my first order from onlygas and I am very impressed. Not only for the quality, but the whole bag appeal was impressive.. nice, big, crystally buds, and a smoke to die for. Clean ash, nice citrus smell, and a long lasting buzz. This is the kind of weed you can smoke, get high and still do ...
TheHerbalJedi·OnlyGas·1141d3 reviews

Shushwap Pink- Onlygas - January 24th

Appearance - a little leafy and stemy. A dull green with sparse purples and a moderate amount of crystal.

Smell - pine, diesel, somewhat sweet.

Price - $73.45/ounce

Not too much to say about this strain. A little leafy and stemy making for a little harsher of a smoke reg...
TheHerbalJedi·OnlyGas·1141d3 reviews

Dosi Pumpkin - Onlygas - January 24th

I just want to say that this bud was/is stellar. Smells great, looks great, smokes great.

Has a very earthy, piney and diesel smell and flavor.

Nugs are very well manicured and trimmed with no seeds and very little stem. Very dark purple with very little green, with an amazing am...
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