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Midnight_Maverick·OnlyGas·1148d34 reviews

Animal Face - OnlyGas - January 2022

At $106/oz this stuff is an incredible value! Immediately when I received it the nose reminded me most of something along the lines of a Donkey Butter - its got a funky & greasy sort of smell.

The buds are reasonably coated but have a very good density and structure and generally weigh in...
Ok_Hearing5489·OnlyGas·1150d26 reviews

Multiple Strains - OnlyGas - late November

*these sat in the mylars for approx. 3 months and they are still perfect upon finally opening , good packaging OG !*

Runtz #2 (pics 1-3)
never tried runtz before this one and i must say its a really nice strain, it tastes and smells alot like lemon or orange hard candies. really nic...
Single-Competition29·OnlyGas·1150d50 reviews

Dosi killer- only gas- jan

Looking : I was expecting more purple shades but nice Light green buds with some trichomes that sorry but picture dosent show it well.not dry but not sticky

Smelling : weird kind of nutty,sweet ,funky but the terps are not loud enough for me

Tasting : sorry to say that but tast...
sophiesbreath·OnlyGas·1151d2 reviews

Tropicana Cherry - OnlyGas - January 2022

Bag appeal - frosty dark purple and green buds with lots of orange hairs. Love the near fully purple bud structure on this strain.

Nose - fragrant as hell. Sweet tropicana orange. Opening up my jar smells just like a fresh cut orange. Smells exactly like how it smokes, no joke. Smooth wit...
Edmontonthrw·OnlyGas·1152d7 reviews

Onlygas - Purple Mimosa - Early January

Buds- purple and green buds with a dense bud structure. Heavily coated in trichromes. Really nice purple color.

Smell/taste- strong citrus notes come through in both the smell and the flavor, through a vape it reminds me of mandarin oranges or tangerines.

Potency- Good day time...
1 · · ·39 40 41 42 43 · · ·104


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