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Trent420Steel·OnlyGas·1159d39 reviews

Tropical Diesel - OnlyGas - Dec 2021 - Incentivized

This tropical diesel arrived with near perfect cure and just the right sized buds (little to no smalls).

The aroma and flavour are absolutely rediculous on this stuff, reminiscent of sour skittles with a slightly sour diesel in the background.

The bag appeal is also stupid exot...
Nate2693·OnlyGas·1160d1 review


Godess is a very woody strain , I found it to be really similar to a blue dream or something else woody like that . She’s a strong one and although not to my taste when it comes to Terp profile it’s still a solid choice .. would reccomend to anyone who likes up lifting highs and woody terps
blacktooth13·OnlyGas·1166d65 reviews

Onlygas / Onlygas / Dec 31st in alberta

Idk im not fishing for no $20. Im the only mod i know of... Onlygas is reloading new strains!!!! And go!!
blacktooth13·OnlyGas·1166d65 reviews

Slurricane /Onlygas / Dec 21

Was excited by smell n visual look. Even tge name had me wantin to know and it was fire. A bit of gas but def no project 4615 #2. It lookt n smelled better tho somehow. I didnt like it as much tho. Still gang weeed. Def might be what u need
blacktooth13·OnlyGas·1166d65 reviews

Project 4516 #2 / Onlygas / Dec 21

Probably the bomb chron donskii here this order. My fave anyway n they were all killz. Best terps n bud size etc. It was just the stand out. Id order it. Idk if it was a half? I think a full ounce but idk any more.
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