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andrewm1134·OrderBudOnline·1388d7 reviews


Once I opened my bag I was punched right in the face with some very tasty ass kush! Nice cure not dry at all. When I was busting it up she was pretty stick and the smell came out even more.

Great clean burn white to Grey ash and the taste was all the way threw till the end of the joint...
jroc_reviews·OrderBudOnline·1389d8 reviews

King Louis 13th ORDERBUDONLINE May 2021

King louis 13th


Upon opening, the immediate aroma of sweet gas was drawn to my senses. The flower itself was extremely dense with a sticky Cure, perfect texture for my liking. Breaking the buds apart unlocked a stronger gas aroma with a mild sweet berry under...
andrewm1134·OrderBudOnline·1389d7 reviews

Tom Ford Orderbudonline may 2021

Very gassy nice dense nugs! Burns right nice in a joint white to Grey ash at the end. Very nice heavy hitter for sure!
jesaispas666·OrderBudOnline·1405d130 reviews

Cookie Frost/orderbudonline /april

Bud of medium size, compact and sticky. A beautiful pale green color and covered with a layer of frost .Petit negative point, the bud is full of seeds.

When the bag was opened, the smell was sweet, grassy and sweet. Once crushed, the smell is a little more pungent.

For the tast...
alain_cubmon·OrderBudOnline·1408d9 reviews

Cookie Frost - OrderBudOnline - March21

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