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LeBim666·ShamrockCannabis·2165d142 reviews

OG shark - Shamrock - 2018 march

Really enjoyed it! Nice sticky bud. Good hybrid going on the indica side but didn’t not cough lock me. Could smoke it all night and then eventually fall asleep but you can get thing done. Feeling relaxe and happy
LeBim666·ShamrockCannabis·2165d142 reviews

Organic Nukem - Shamrock - 2018 March

This is by far the best smelling Nukem ever! Very frosty with nice color!
79kciN·ShamrockCannabis·2167d8 reviews

Charlotte's Web - Shamrock - March

This is the first time buying from shamrock and I have to say this is very impressive. The buds are very fresh and have a light sweet and fresh grass smell and are suprisingly sticky. Definitely glad they have alot of variety and even quite a few CBD strains for relief.

Moby Dick - Shamrock - March ‘19

Great nose on this one. I was happy to get hat familiar smell as this matches with the same type of stuff I was finding at dispensaries in Toronto. Through the dynavap it tastes so good! It gives me a really sweet herbal taste that is very pleasant.

The quality is awesome. It’s labeled AA...

Papaya - Shamrock - March 2019

It certainly is. Haven’t tried this one yet but i plan to roll a joint with it tonight to try it out. Ill probably comment on that afterwards.
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