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March 19, 2020


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79kciN·BoxedBuds·1802d8 reviews
Funky muted chemically sweet smell. Well trimmed buds that are pretty light. Very smooth smoke and light grey/white ash and sweet and kiefy. Not super strong potency they have stronger, but for 99 its good.
79kciN·ChronicPost·1976d8 reviews
pretty decent high after a few bowls. Very slight cherry taste on a big toke exhale, grey/white ash but a little harsh, great sweet bag smell faintly get some cherry from it aswell... I much prefer indicas but this is a decent hybrid.
79kciN·ChronicPost·1979d8 reviews
Fruity nose but turns into an earthy smoke. A bit harsh nothing too crazy however, smooth high like nuken usually is a little bit of heaviness at first, one of the nicer nukens but I’m not a big fan of nuken in general.
79kciN·ChronicPost·1983d8 reviews
White/light grey ash clean cure definitely on the smooth side not harsh at all great for price as it has the classic droopy eye relaxed death bubba feel
Euphoric and energetic type of high into relaxation all throughout.
Potent sharp citrusy smell
Abundant trich coverage
Very sticky
Clean cure and flush
79kciN·JJMeds·2017d8 reviews
-Good energetic heady onset into body
-Salt and pepper ash
-Proper cure, good smell and taste
-Not a bad flush either for 99
-Imo one of the better budget ounces I’ve had lately.
79kciN·TogoWeed·2152d8 reviews
This is awesome stuff. Im a big fan of indicas and it really does feel like a 100% indica. Very Heavy feeling thats great and relaxed makes me very talkative when in lots of pain. As far as the bud it is very sticky and the smoke and ash is great imo much better than the fruit loops. Love it
79kciN·ShamrockCannabis·2165d8 reviews
This is the first time buying from shamrock and I have to say this is very impressive. The buds are very fresh and have a light sweet and fresh grass smell and are suprisingly sticky. Definitely glad they have alot of variety and even quite a few CBD strains for relief.
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