Specialty / Description
No mids, just quads. Quality genetics grown organically in living soil. Zero pesticides. No bullshit. The truth is in the burn.
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luckyhazed·Skookum·1297d129 reviews

Strawberry Jerry-Skookum | PotCargo| August 2

|Incentive review but always honest review and opinion| * The first thing I’ve noticed when I opening the can it was the big fruity smell and when I said big it’s smell everywhere on the room even the gf said it’s the first time she smell a fruity flowers like that (she didn’t smoke but she ...
treedibles·Skookum·1301d3 reviews

Strawberry Gauva - get skookum - aug

treedibles·Skookum·1301d3 reviews

Octane -get skookum - august

3fiddySEBBEN·Skookum·1301d3 reviews

Big Bad Wolf by Skookum - GetSkookum - August 2021

It’s hump day, perfect timing for a strain that’ll get you fucked up: Big Bad Wolf

Wow! Never heard of this strain before, but it got me baked outta my goddamn gourd. We’re talkin high school baked here folks - so high you pour a bowl of cereal and catch yourself putting the milk ba...
FaceLike_Thunder·Skookum·1304d23 reviews

Sherbert - GetSkookum - August 2021

I have tried lots of Skookum tins over my years and for whatever reason I avoid Sherbert (sunset sherb in particular). I think those days are numbered, saw a good review of this tin and wanted to give it a go. This one is a dark horse, and continues to surprise me with its potent kick.

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