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Ponyboy06·TheCannaSociety·1643d12 reviews

Red Congolese - TheCannaSociety- Mid August

Price - $175/Oz paid $140
Quality - 10/10
Hands down the dopest sativa I ever smoked. Has a almost baby puke smell to it but its actually pleasant? With a slight nutty fruit taste, met with a smooth sorta sweetish herb sidekick. Not a single sight of burnout which is awesome. Medium and some...
Ponyboy06·TheCannaSociety·1644d12 reviews

Pink Bubba - TheCannaSociety- Early August

Price - $175 but paid $140
Quality - 9.5/10
Words can not explain the elegance of this bud. Great pink smell met by an even better pink taste. Made me cough my face off and sleep like a baby. Mostly Large and medium nugs that fluff out quite abit when ground up. Excellent evening smoke.
Ponyboy06·TheCannaSociety·1644d12 reviews

Candy Kush - TheCannaSociety - Early August

Price - $110/Oz
Quality - 9/10
Right of the bat it has a sweet with a little spice smell. Beautiful dense and sorta sticky nugs. Really smell the spice when you bust it up then it carrys on into the smoke but also a great kush taste.
Overall this stuff is pretty bomb.
Ponyboy06·TheCannaSociety·1645d12 reviews

Granddaddy Purple - TheCannaSociety - Early August

Price - $120/Oz
Quality - 9/10
I really enjoyed this. Medium/small nugs that have a great floral almost like dabs or pressed kief smell. Smooth sweet purply taste met by a nice relaxing high. Burns great and is quite smooth. All in all, its a great smoke when you want to catch up on some co...
JawKneeBlaze·TheCannaSociety·1645d15 reviews

Purple Gelato #2 - TheCannaSociety - Aug 2020

value - 7
200/oz or 180 with bulk discount

bit pricey if you’re struggling during the pandemic. but if you buy in bulk it’s cheaper.

Quality - 9

tastes like a kushy grape candy, nice mellow high as it’s a hybrid, so no KO’ing when smoking thi...
1 · · ·29 30 31 32 33 · · ·41


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