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Affordable flowers, price ranging from $99 to $170 at most
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JawKneeBlaze·TheCannaSociety·1645d15 reviews

Girl Scout Cookies - TheCannaSociety - Aug 2020

Value - 10

Quality 9

really nice cured, really tasty too! like a GSC should taste. it’s not craft, but it’s damn good for my liking and that price. smoke is really smooth. grey ash on burn

I got sent a sample of it, and i’m pro...
Ponyboy06·TheCannaSociety·1646d12 reviews

Lemon Jack - thecannasociety - early august

Picked up an ounce for a good price. Sweet citrusy smell and fairly great looking bud. Mix of medium and small nugs. Smokes quite nice. Burns smooth, nice sweet pungent taste and not harsh on the throat. Treated by a nice head high, feel it behind the eyes mostly. Overall this is some quality bud.

Candy kush from - thecannasociety - august

It smells really good and it has a really nice smoke
6ixchronic·TheCannaSociety·1674d117 reviews

Pink Bubba - The Canna Society - July 2020

Most commonly, when the bud looks good it smokes good. Occasionally the smoke doesn’t live up to the appeal. However, very rarely you get bud that smokes alot better than it looks. Not to say this batch of Pink bubba has bad appeal, but it’s a bit leafy, with a mildly loose bud structure. And mo...
6ixchronic·TheCannaSociety·1674d117 reviews

McGrupp - The Canna Society - July 2020

Extremely tropical nose. The tangy sweet fruity notes transfers to the flavour. Clean smooth burn with light grey ash. Not super punchy but it’s great for chilling and having a conversation. A very mellow high. Quality 7.5/10 value 8.5/10. Quality is actually very good, but would have liked a bit ...
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