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Affordable flowers, price ranging from $99 to $170 at most
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lemieux6262·TheCannaSociety·1768d205 reviews

Critical Mass- The Canna Society- April 2020

Good visual appeal with well manicured bright green backgrounds, with spherical nugs crawling with bright orange pistils and a healthy layer of trichomes. A closer look revealed a good balance of milky and amber trichome heads. Found the feel of the buds to be sticky and dense, with a pleasant mello...
lemieux6262·TheCannaSociety·1768d205 reviews

Black Mamba- The Canna Society- April 2020

Bud arrived on the dry side and were fairly compressed by the packaging. The buds themselves were dominated by mossy green backgrounds and frosty looking due to the amount of trichomes present. A closer peak revealed mainly milky and clear trichome heads.  The buds may have benefited from a better ...
lemieux6262·TheCannaSociety·1768d205 reviews

Tom Ford Pink Kush- The Canna Society-April 2020

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An array of greens ranging from bright and mossy to dark forest sugar leaves provided the backdrop for short densely pack trichomes. There were also some less prominent areas of pink and purple near the stems, but these were not something...
lemieux6262·TheCannaSociety·1768d205 reviews

Purple Punch Distillate Cart- The Canna Society- April 2020

Cart looked great with translucent and clear golden hued liquid. The taste was enjoyable but not overpowering with sweet, vanilla and grape flavors. The taste may have tasted slightly artificial, but I still enjoyed it.

Light draws produced decent clouds that were mostly smooth. However, t...
Thechronickid00·TheCannaSociety·1771d130 reviews

The Canna Society Review - April 2020

MoM/Retailer Name

The Canna Society


Located and ships out of beautiful BC and made it to Ontario in three business days. Quite fast considering all the delays. Safely packaged in a box with all the products vacuum sealed. No smells and no squished goods....
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