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The Chron Father Co. All flowers from chronfather’s farm are premium quality and guaranteed fresh
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Cactus Breath - TheChronFather - July

Bag appeal: the whole bag consist of mostly smalls to medium size nugs. Nicely trimmed and the cure is on point. You can definitely notice the large hairs which is the first time I've seen a strain like that. Kind of fitting with a name like Cactus ?.Slight hues of blue/purple make this a wonder...

Halitosis breath tcf (smaller nugs) late July

B1GD1CKNRG·TheChronFather·1328d2 reviews

Cactus Breath // TCF // Late July

So, I’m pretty fraggled… Alright, Im not the type that can pinpoint every scent and then be able to articulate it. It is however, unique and very noticeable, like a creamy spice. Bag appeal is flawless. Its surprisingly subtle… till it’s not. Started with 2 bowls then smoked a spliff righ...
Keithywhites·TheChronFather·1330d2 reviews

Blue lights, tcf, late june 2021

Cactus breath tcf late July

Nice potent smoke good for breakfast lunch and dinner
1 · · ·85 86 87 88 89 · · ·207


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