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The Chron Father Co. All flowers from chronfather’s farm are premium quality and guaranteed fresh
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HotdogPhil81·TheChronFather·1330d39 reviews

Mule Fuel quad smalls (Acura) - TCF- July 2021

(This review is NOT incentivized)

I got this qp for 445 total which is a steal to me for buds of this quality. This is a very tasty strain. It tastes like Girl Scout Cookies and Gorilla Glue with some dank gas and pine to it. If you like hybrids then this Mule Fuel is right up your alley....
baniiq·TheChronFather·1330d1 review


First impression was instant joy, to get a qp of popcorn with only half being what I would consider popcorn is amazing. I bought this for the steal ($270 for the qp shipped, works out to under $70 an oz) and am impressed with the quality overall. The biggest nugs in my pack are the size ...

Death Bubba “Smalls / Popcorn“ TCF - July 13th/2021

kushincanada·TheChronFather·1341d9 reviews

Tom Ford Patel Quad - TCF - July 2021

This stuff is really good for the price, split it with a buddy so only got half but loving it so far and he's saying the same.

Dark and dank indica, gassy and earthy/wood notes. Nice trim to it and no shake in the bag. Weight was right on, not over or anything and no freebies. Clean l...

Cactus breath, TCF, July

How heavy do you find it? Does it feel like a 50/50 or much more on the indica side i am curious?
1 · · ·86 87 88 89 90 · · ·207


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