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26AWi·TheChrono·1835d20 reviews

Farm & Florist CBD Infused Coconut Oil / The Chrono / March 2019

Any tips or tricks for cooking with this? :P
26AWi·TheChrono·1842d20 reviews

Wedding Cake Bubble Hash / The Chrono / March 2019

\*\*UPDATE GUYS! It offered a super easy going high. I literally came home and sprinkled some into a joint, rolled it up and smoked it. It didn’t get the couch-lock feeling that I usually get from smoking hash... more of an uppity relaxed feeling that’s great for when you want to have a night pl...
BackwoodBilla·TheChrono·1983d10 reviews

Super Glue OG - Thechrono - September 2018

Strain: SGOG

Indica/sativa: Indica Dominant

taste: 7/10

Bag appeal: 10/10

Potency: 7/10

Nose: 7.5/10

Overall Impression: Sticky Sticky Sticky....This girl didnt wanna leave the bag lol put it in my smell proof bag and it morphed into the shape of...
CrazyDiamond213·TheChrono·1990d32 reviews

Master Yoda - The Chrono - Nov 2018

Nice earthy and piney smell, its pretty sticky too. Smoke nice and slow in a j with white ash. Got me nicely stoned with a great calm head buzz at start wich faded into a nice body stone. It taste really piney and a little earthy
CrazyDiamond213·TheChrono·1990d32 reviews

King Kush Bubble Hash - The Chrono - Nov 2018

Nice piece of hash a little overweight i got 29.3g ! Its dry and crumbly stick to the finger a little, was tricky because of the texture but i did some old bottle tokes. Its really smooth and potent too, great hash.
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