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sgtdisaster·TheChrono·2259d18 reviews

Northern Lights Shatter (Totem Vapour) - The Chrono - September 2018

My pictures here are kinda shit but that only speaks to how fast I wanted to smoke this. It was another one that got burned through quite fast because of the clean smoke, and clearness of the product. I wish I could have remember exactly how this one tasted but it was more gassy than sweet like my o...
sgtdisaster·TheChrono·2259d18 reviews

Pink Star Shatter from Valley Extracts - The Chrono - September 2018

I only tried a teeny tiny piece of this so far so I will go start my day with a dab of this and let you all know what I think :) so far, the appearance and visual appeal is stellar.
sgtdisaster·TheChrono·2269d18 reviews

Red Congolese Shatter - TheChrono - September 2018

Really love the taste of this one. citrus and floral, like it reminds me of lime slurpee pretty much. probably gonna burn thru this one quick. really good head high
sgtdisaster·TheChrono·2273d18 reviews

Exclusive Extracts Sugar Kush Shatter - thechrono - September 2018

I was told this might not be real exclusive Extracts apparently by other members of this subreddit. Not sure how to confirm.
sgtdisaster·TheChrono·2273d18 reviews

Orange Cookies Rosin - TheChrono - September 2018

This shit slaps. Smooth as hell, no cough barely. Clean hit. Mild taste. Not the easiest to work with consistency cause it likes to pull into very long strings. But man. I love it.
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