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thechronickid_00·TheGreenAce·1865d1233 reviews

The Green Samurai Vape Kit (Wedding Cake cartridge) - The Green Ace - January 2020

Was lucky enough to win this cool little vape in a contest. Not overly into distillate or carts in general but it seems like a decent one. It doesn’t really taste like the wedding cake strain but actually reminds me of lemon candy. Not a bad taste at all and the site says no mct, PG, or VG. The ch...
Danyn·TheGreenAce·1867d71 reviews

Pink Tuna - The Green Ace - Feb

This stuff is amazingly pungent and caked with trichomes. The strain is incredibly gassy that is nicely accented with the classic tuna smell. This pink tuna is in perfect condition and actually gave me a tiny bit of trouble in the grinder. The stuff is incredibly sticky and would probably pass the w...
deadmoney·TheGreenAce·1872d87 reviews

Super Nuke - The Green Ace - Late Jan 2020[Album](

Quality: 7/10
Value: 9/10

Big sticky buds, strong tropical fruity nose and flavour with great potency for a $99oz
mattnchels·TheGreenAce·1872d120 reviews

Pineapple Express Pod Refill by Green Samurai from The Green Ace January 27th 2020

Anyone who had tried these pod Pen’s know that most refills taste the same, at least in the ones I’ve tried in the past. I have had a great experience with my Green Samurai Vape pen. This Pineapple Express refill tastes great! Not exactly like the Pineapple Express weed of course but, thay pinea...
mattnchels·TheGreenAce·1872d120 reviews

Death Bubba from The Green Ace January 27th 2020

Bag appeal - darker green nugs with some purples as well with vibrant copper coloured pistils and covered nicely with a thick layer of thick, chunky, frosty white trichomes. Very nice nug

Smell - has light, sweet, and fruity undertones that compliment the strong smell of diesel

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