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SoggyUnderware·TheGreenAce·1896d9 reviews

Gelato The Green Ace Jan2020

Quality 8 Value 7
mattnchels·TheGreenAce·1896d120 reviews

Rockstar from The Green Ace December 2019

Bag appeal - all smaller nugs except a few which is perfectly fine for a $99 OZ. It is a little on the dry side(but not too dry). Nice light green nugs with a nice coating of crystal trichomes that stick to the fingers when handling. Very proper looking, specially for the price. I would have to agre...
mattnchels·TheGreenAce·1896d120 reviews

Grandaddy Purple from The Green Ace December 2019

Bag appeal - Nice looking buds with bright orange hairs. Not what one would expect for GDP as there is absolutely no purple in these buds at all but still looks very nice. Fair sized nugs, quite dense and pretty sticky. For the price of $99 an OZ it has amazing bag appeal!

Smell - when jus...
mattnchels·TheGreenAce·1896d120 reviews

Muerte from The Green Ace November 2019

This was a free 5 grams from TGA for ordering over a certain amount. It is an amazing strain. It has a very high THC content up to 28%
Very happy with it. It is a very potent indica strain and should be smoked either in the evening or on days when you have no plans as it has strong couchlock. De...
Matty·TheGreenAce·1896d3 reviews

The Green Ace multi review with collages
Blue City Diesel

Had to take a nice close up of this

Bag appeal - Nice looking buds with dark purple hues that are beautiful to look at. A little on the dry side

Burns nicely, nice and smooth

Ash - light grey

1 · · ·38 39 40 41 42 · · ·67


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