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Stonerscotian·TheGreenAce·1802d402 reviews

Rockstar - Thegreenace - January 2020

Value: 9.5 / 10, Quality: 8 / 10


Very tasty, stinky kush, also pretty smooth. Tad bit leafy, but potent. This a proper 99$ oz
Stonerscotian·TheGreenAce·1802d402 reviews

Gorilla Glue - Thegreenace - January 2020

Value - 7

Quality - 8 - 8.5


Tad to dry (nothing a boveda wouldnt fix), super potent though. One J has me feeling real good
mattnchels·TheGreenAce·1811d120 reviews

The Green Samurai Pod System Vape (LED Chrome Red) from The Green Ace January 10th 2020

These went on a flash sale at The Green Ace for $50. I won 3rd place in a contest and had points to spend plus had already won a kit. So I bought another kit instead of buying another 1ml cart for $45. It was a no brainer to buy the second kit for the extra $5.
This thing is awesome for on the ...
mattnchels·TheGreenAce·1812d120 reviews

Green Samurai LED Vape Kit (Chrome red) & Citrus Kush (contest winnings) from The Green Ace January 10th 2020

This is what I ordered with my points from winning 3rd place in the Collage contest they held. And I still have points left over. I will review each product individually in separate posts.
mattnchels·TheGreenAce·1817d120 reviews

McGrupp from The Green Ace September 2019

Bag appeal - This is not my first time ordering this strain and won’t be my last. It’s just so good I keep grabbing a bag every other month or so. As soon as I see it on there again I’ll be grabbing more again too. This is definitely one of my favorite hybrid strains. Nice dense mossy green nu...
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