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Pink Tuna - The Green Ace - Mar. 2019
I really enjoyed it, not quite as nice as their Tom Ford Pink, but its one of the nicer tunas Ive had.

Gelato - The Green Ace - Mar. 2019
I only vape, cant comment on either really... Very smooth in a vape tho.

Golden Pineapple- Thegreenace-Mar.2019
I have always liked their AAA+ Pineapple Express but this Golden Pine is up a notch from the Pine Express, it’s absolutely awesome, great trim, tastes like sour pineapple, very fruity, super sticky and buds are very dense. What a happy uplifting high all day. I would say it is a solid quad thi...s time for this pineapple imo.

The Green Ace - White Death Diamonds/Shatter + 7 Flower Strains
MOM Name
The Green Ace
Overall rating out of 10:
Sign Up:
It’s been quite some time since I signed up at TGA, but its pretty standard from what I recall.
Ordering, Pricing & New Website:
New website is pretty slick; fast and clean.... All of the product photos are fairly good representations of the buds and concentrates I received. I find that most of TGA’s strains are priced pretty fairly for what they are. When its $200+/oz, its almost always near or @ quad quality. Good sales here and there.
Communication with TGA is good, I get fairly prompt email replies.
Always discreet, packed in a CP box, with further sealed bags, and bags within bags. Excellent quality packaging. Fancy-ass, origami level shatter parchment fold (I was embarrassingly impressed by it).
Products / Photos:
Why I received samples:
I have done some limited banner design work for TGA (I did the current TGA banner on this forum), I legit purchased the diamonds and shatter reviewed here, and I have bought (with cash money) over a QP of product from them. I am not an employee of TGA, and am under no obligation to review this order. Admittedly, the samples were all fairly nice, but I have done my best to be critical and honest.
I rate product based on potency rather than aesthetics, and I don’t comment on trichomes because I spend time on photography. ;)
Blue Mango:
Nose/Flavour: I couldn’t get the mango off this bud, to me, it was really earthy with a mild flowery undertone.. Flavour was similar, quite earthy with a hint of floral.. Nothing too exciting for terps with this particular strain. I suspect the sample bag may have been open a little and it lost some terps to the universe.
Trim/Cure/Density: Trim is good. Cure is nice, bit of squish, not sticky but nice humidity. Highly dense.
Lift/Buzz: Good initial sativa buzz; goes straight to the head, very cerebral. I didn’t find this to be an energy boosting sativa, but it has a very floaty type head high that I enjoyed a lot. Bit daydreamy for being productive, so watch out for that, lol.
Potency/Quality: In my opinion, potency is probably AAA+ to AAAA-; it is a fairly strong and long lasting stone.
Vapour Quality: Smooth, no issues with this one at all.
Overall: I find the blue mango has a potent sativa head lift, but I was a little underwhelmed with the smell and taste.
Nose/Flavour: Classic gelato, sweet, ice creamy nose, especially when busted. Sweet and gassy flavour out of the vape--such a tasty strain.
Trim/Cure/Density: Trim and cure are excellent. Good squish but not quite sticky. Highly Dense.
Lift/Buzz: I find Gelato has a loud-ass hybrid stone that makes me feel almost drunk after a while--balance gets wonky, etc. Very intoxicating strain.
Potency/Quality: This bud keeps with my tradition of never having received weak Gelato. This stuff is potent for sure. I’d probably put it right up near quad; it takes very little of this bud for me to get really stoned.
Vapour Quality: Smooth AS, mate.. A good gelato is nice, joint or vape.
Overall: Fine quality bud, and a nice example of Gelato.
Golden Pineapple:
Nose/Flavour: This strain is kind of sweet and sour, likely due to the lineage--sweet from the pineapple kush and the sour from the golden goat. Really nice terps on this one, both smell and taste.
Trim/Cure/Density: Beauty, all the way around, sticky icky… High density.
Lift/Buzz: Possibly my new favourite hybrid strain! It’s a good energy high, has a deadly balance of mind and body effects, is quite psychoactive and I experienced some headband sensation.
Potency/Quality: Easy quad, in my opinion. Small 0.1g vape sessions in the Dyanvap get me rockin’ pretty hard. A few of those and I’m on the moon.
Vapour Quality: Tasty and smooooooth.
Overall: Loved this strain, definite order.
Lemon OG Kush:
Nose/Flavour: These characteristics are covered in its name.. This strain smells and tastes like a lemon citrus kush, it’s lip-smackin’.
Trim/Cure/Density: Trim and cure were both excellent, the bud was dense and nice and sticky. Fresh bud.
Lift/Buzz: Proper kush-style relief; muscles chilled out, headache floated away, and I melted into the chair. Not to a couchlock degree, more like a really deep relation without the tired sensation. This bud would be perfect for relaxing after a hard day without zonking right out.
Potency/Quality: Not the highest potency among the strains I received, but its an easy AAA+, with good strong effects and a decent duration.
Vapour Quality: Very smooth.
Overall: I loved the citrus and kush tastes mixed together, and it’s damn near perfect evening weed. Anything stronger and I think I’d pass out or eat myself into a coma.
Pink Tuna:
Nose/Flavour: Again with the kushiness, only this one is much more gassy, both in smell and taste.
Trim/Cure/Density: Trim was good and must have been tricky due to the wacky bud structure. Cure was excellent, bud had good squish and bounce, and was properly sticky when broken apart. Highly dense.
Lift/Buzz: Deeply relaxing and medicating, great for pain relief, whathaveyou. It was also a good deal more psychoactive than I was expecting--it really heightened my senses, and I am loving listening to music while stoned on this strain. Wasn’t as sleepy as I was expecting, more relaxing than sedating. Watch out for the munchies with this one!
Potency/Quality: I got really, really stoned off of about 0.3g of this little fella. It’s maybe not QUITE as potent as the Golden Pineapple, so I’d say probably AAAA-.
Vapour Quality: Smooth as, mates.
Overall: I love the Pink Tuna strain.. I have had it before, but nowhere near this quality. This would be a high order consideration for me.
Tom Ford Pink:
Nose/Flavour: Straight gas, is the only terp I get because it’s so loud! For gas lovers, this bud is delicious.
Trim/Cure/Density: Excellent trim and cure. Perfect amount of bounce and squish, with a great deal of tackiness. Super, ultra dense.
Lift/Buzz: Very strong, very intoxicating, for both mind and body. I was fully incapacitated by 0.3g of this in a vaporizer--glued to the chair, tripping balls. It hits like a truck and keeps going. The level of intoxication caught me off guard, and I was glad I was at home when I hit this.. Bonus: this experience marks the only time in recent memory I have experienced mild hallucinations due to cannabis use (tracers and tunnel vision).
Potency/Quality: Very, very potent. In the Top 3 most potent strains I have ever used. Call me impressed.
Vapour Quality: For its potency, shockingly smooth.
Overall: They should call this shit Freight Train; the THC% must be chart topping. Absolutely need to order. Go buy it, you won’t be sorry.
Gas Mask:
Nose/Flavour: One guess… yep, you guessed it, gas for days.. ‘Bout all I can get off of it. Sexy though.
Trim/Cure/Density: Really nice, good squish, sticky when broken up, with a fairly high density. Not quite as fresh feeling on the exterior as some of the others, but damn close.
Lift/Buzz: Definitely not a “lift”, lol.. I’d say this is nearing couchlock, maybe not quite, but it definitely makes the body feel heavier than usual. This one did make me drowsy, as its the one true indica in the bunch. That drowsiness came as part of a suite of relaxing and medicating effects--it would definitely be a good strain for those individuals looking to kill pain or beat insomnia.
Potency/Quality: Solid AAA+.. Also noticed this bud is $145 an oz, which I’d say is really competitive for this quality.
Vapour Quality: Smooth as all the rest.
Overall: For one of the more “budget” options TGA is offering currently, I was pleasantly surprised by this Gas Mask. Its a solid end of the evening/before bed type smoke.
White Death Shatter:
Nose/Flavour: Super gassy terps, and very terpy overall.
Consistency: Definitely NOT shatter at room temperature. It turns fairly sappy, which makes it a tad difficult to work with. I assume this is likely due to the amount of terps, or a higher than ideal water content in the starting material, as it is not a purge problem. You can see a bit of opaqueness in the shatter and that’s where it has sugared up a little bit. Overall, it is not really a very “shatter-like” consistency unless you keep it in the fridge or freezer.
Lift/Buzz: Just, awesome! It has a very heavy hybrid stone.. My ears were ringing, my head felt “just like a balloon”, and my body felt drunk.
Potency/Quality: This “shatter” is stronger than most of the Everest shatters I have tried (5 or so). I find the high is louder and lasts longer than some other house concentrates I’ve had (My Green Solution/local/etc).
Dab Quality: No popping, no sizzling--properly purged. Dabs nicely, melts clean, no nasty residues. I dab fairly hot and I found it pretty smooth for shatter.
Overall: If they were able to get it to a more proper “shatter” consistency, this would really be some decent quality shatter. I am taking some points off for its sappiness, and for having sugared up a little, but the potency and terpiness are pretty exceptional for the price, if you don’t mind slightly sappy “shatter.”
White Death Diamonds:
Nose/Flavour: I was afraid to try and sniff this stuff, I didn’t want a noseload. But I could taste some of the same gassy terps that come off of the shatter, just to a lesser degree.
Consistency: Bit of a debate. They seem diamond’ish, but they have a yellow hue, which from my discussions on discord and with friends, is not a characteristic that is typical of diamonds. Regardless of the debate, they sparkle like diamonds, and they have a crystalline structure.
Lift/Buzz: Same firebomb buzz that the shatter has only STRONGER! First time I hit these, my ears rang for an hour solid and I was really, REALLY high… off balance, giggly, and generally incapable of doing life.
Potency/Quality: Since this is my first experience with “diamonds,” I have no reference for comparison, save other concentrates. The white death diamonds are definitely stronger than the WD shatter, and are stronger than probably all other concentrates I have tried. These were kind of the thing I was looking for to get that stone I remember getting in highschool, and it takes a lot to get me there.
Dab Quality: Same as the shatter, I guess.. Not overly harsh for me.
Overall: I will be getting more. Nothing else gets me this stoned. Killer.
Incentive for Customers:
Constant discount codes and sales; best bet is to check TGA website, this forum, and discord for current offers and deals. :)
Incentive for Review:
Nope. Just showing the community the goods.
Thanks for reading if you’re still here. Smoke Weed Everyday.
The Green Ace
Overall rating out of 10:
Sign Up:
It’s been quite some time since I signed up at TGA, but its pretty standard from what I recall.
Ordering, Pricing & New Website:
New website is pretty slick; fast and clean.... All of the product photos are fairly good representations of the buds and concentrates I received. I find that most of TGA’s strains are priced pretty fairly for what they are. When its $200+/oz, its almost always near or @ quad quality. Good sales here and there.
Communication with TGA is good, I get fairly prompt email replies.
Always discreet, packed in a CP box, with further sealed bags, and bags within bags. Excellent quality packaging. Fancy-ass, origami level shatter parchment fold (I was embarrassingly impressed by it).
Products / Photos:
Why I received samples:
I have done some limited banner design work for TGA (I did the current TGA banner on this forum), I legit purchased the diamonds and shatter reviewed here, and I have bought (with cash money) over a QP of product from them. I am not an employee of TGA, and am under no obligation to review this order. Admittedly, the samples were all fairly nice, but I have done my best to be critical and honest.
I rate product based on potency rather than aesthetics, and I don’t comment on trichomes because I spend time on photography. ;)
Blue Mango:
Nose/Flavour: I couldn’t get the mango off this bud, to me, it was really earthy with a mild flowery undertone.. Flavour was similar, quite earthy with a hint of floral.. Nothing too exciting for terps with this particular strain. I suspect the sample bag may have been open a little and it lost some terps to the universe.
Trim/Cure/Density: Trim is good. Cure is nice, bit of squish, not sticky but nice humidity. Highly dense.
Lift/Buzz: Good initial sativa buzz; goes straight to the head, very cerebral. I didn’t find this to be an energy boosting sativa, but it has a very floaty type head high that I enjoyed a lot. Bit daydreamy for being productive, so watch out for that, lol.
Potency/Quality: In my opinion, potency is probably AAA+ to AAAA-; it is a fairly strong and long lasting stone.
Vapour Quality: Smooth, no issues with this one at all.
Overall: I find the blue mango has a potent sativa head lift, but I was a little underwhelmed with the smell and taste.
Nose/Flavour: Classic gelato, sweet, ice creamy nose, especially when busted. Sweet and gassy flavour out of the vape--such a tasty strain.
Trim/Cure/Density: Trim and cure are excellent. Good squish but not quite sticky. Highly Dense.
Lift/Buzz: I find Gelato has a loud-ass hybrid stone that makes me feel almost drunk after a while--balance gets wonky, etc. Very intoxicating strain.
Potency/Quality: This bud keeps with my tradition of never having received weak Gelato. This stuff is potent for sure. I’d probably put it right up near quad; it takes very little of this bud for me to get really stoned.
Vapour Quality: Smooth AS, mate.. A good gelato is nice, joint or vape.
Overall: Fine quality bud, and a nice example of Gelato.
Golden Pineapple:
Nose/Flavour: This strain is kind of sweet and sour, likely due to the lineage--sweet from the pineapple kush and the sour from the golden goat. Really nice terps on this one, both smell and taste.
Trim/Cure/Density: Beauty, all the way around, sticky icky… High density.
Lift/Buzz: Possibly my new favourite hybrid strain! It’s a good energy high, has a deadly balance of mind and body effects, is quite psychoactive and I experienced some headband sensation.
Potency/Quality: Easy quad, in my opinion. Small 0.1g vape sessions in the Dyanvap get me rockin’ pretty hard. A few of those and I’m on the moon.
Vapour Quality: Tasty and smooooooth.
Overall: Loved this strain, definite order.
Lemon OG Kush:
Nose/Flavour: These characteristics are covered in its name.. This strain smells and tastes like a lemon citrus kush, it’s lip-smackin’.
Trim/Cure/Density: Trim and cure were both excellent, the bud was dense and nice and sticky. Fresh bud.
Lift/Buzz: Proper kush-style relief; muscles chilled out, headache floated away, and I melted into the chair. Not to a couchlock degree, more like a really deep relation without the tired sensation. This bud would be perfect for relaxing after a hard day without zonking right out.
Potency/Quality: Not the highest potency among the strains I received, but its an easy AAA+, with good strong effects and a decent duration.
Vapour Quality: Very smooth.
Overall: I loved the citrus and kush tastes mixed together, and it’s damn near perfect evening weed. Anything stronger and I think I’d pass out or eat myself into a coma.
Pink Tuna:
Nose/Flavour: Again with the kushiness, only this one is much more gassy, both in smell and taste.
Trim/Cure/Density: Trim was good and must have been tricky due to the wacky bud structure. Cure was excellent, bud had good squish and bounce, and was properly sticky when broken apart. Highly dense.
Lift/Buzz: Deeply relaxing and medicating, great for pain relief, whathaveyou. It was also a good deal more psychoactive than I was expecting--it really heightened my senses, and I am loving listening to music while stoned on this strain. Wasn’t as sleepy as I was expecting, more relaxing than sedating. Watch out for the munchies with this one!
Potency/Quality: I got really, really stoned off of about 0.3g of this little fella. It’s maybe not QUITE as potent as the Golden Pineapple, so I’d say probably AAAA-.
Vapour Quality: Smooth as, mates.
Overall: I love the Pink Tuna strain.. I have had it before, but nowhere near this quality. This would be a high order consideration for me.
Tom Ford Pink:
Nose/Flavour: Straight gas, is the only terp I get because it’s so loud! For gas lovers, this bud is delicious.
Trim/Cure/Density: Excellent trim and cure. Perfect amount of bounce and squish, with a great deal of tackiness. Super, ultra dense.
Lift/Buzz: Very strong, very intoxicating, for both mind and body. I was fully incapacitated by 0.3g of this in a vaporizer--glued to the chair, tripping balls. It hits like a truck and keeps going. The level of intoxication caught me off guard, and I was glad I was at home when I hit this.. Bonus: this experience marks the only time in recent memory I have experienced mild hallucinations due to cannabis use (tracers and tunnel vision).
Potency/Quality: Very, very potent. In the Top 3 most potent strains I have ever used. Call me impressed.
Vapour Quality: For its potency, shockingly smooth.
Overall: They should call this shit Freight Train; the THC% must be chart topping. Absolutely need to order. Go buy it, you won’t be sorry.
Gas Mask:
Nose/Flavour: One guess… yep, you guessed it, gas for days.. ‘Bout all I can get off of it. Sexy though.
Trim/Cure/Density: Really nice, good squish, sticky when broken up, with a fairly high density. Not quite as fresh feeling on the exterior as some of the others, but damn close.
Lift/Buzz: Definitely not a “lift”, lol.. I’d say this is nearing couchlock, maybe not quite, but it definitely makes the body feel heavier than usual. This one did make me drowsy, as its the one true indica in the bunch. That drowsiness came as part of a suite of relaxing and medicating effects--it would definitely be a good strain for those individuals looking to kill pain or beat insomnia.
Potency/Quality: Solid AAA+.. Also noticed this bud is $145 an oz, which I’d say is really competitive for this quality.
Vapour Quality: Smooth as all the rest.
Overall: For one of the more “budget” options TGA is offering currently, I was pleasantly surprised by this Gas Mask. Its a solid end of the evening/before bed type smoke.
White Death Shatter:
Nose/Flavour: Super gassy terps, and very terpy overall.
Consistency: Definitely NOT shatter at room temperature. It turns fairly sappy, which makes it a tad difficult to work with. I assume this is likely due to the amount of terps, or a higher than ideal water content in the starting material, as it is not a purge problem. You can see a bit of opaqueness in the shatter and that’s where it has sugared up a little bit. Overall, it is not really a very “shatter-like” consistency unless you keep it in the fridge or freezer.
Lift/Buzz: Just, awesome! It has a very heavy hybrid stone.. My ears were ringing, my head felt “just like a balloon”, and my body felt drunk.
Potency/Quality: This “shatter” is stronger than most of the Everest shatters I have tried (5 or so). I find the high is louder and lasts longer than some other house concentrates I’ve had (My Green Solution/local/etc).
Dab Quality: No popping, no sizzling--properly purged. Dabs nicely, melts clean, no nasty residues. I dab fairly hot and I found it pretty smooth for shatter.
Overall: If they were able to get it to a more proper “shatter” consistency, this would really be some decent quality shatter. I am taking some points off for its sappiness, and for having sugared up a little, but the potency and terpiness are pretty exceptional for the price, if you don’t mind slightly sappy “shatter.”
White Death Diamonds:
Nose/Flavour: I was afraid to try and sniff this stuff, I didn’t want a noseload. But I could taste some of the same gassy terps that come off of the shatter, just to a lesser degree.
Consistency: Bit of a debate. They seem diamond’ish, but they have a yellow hue, which from my discussions on discord and with friends, is not a characteristic that is typical of diamonds. Regardless of the debate, they sparkle like diamonds, and they have a crystalline structure.
Lift/Buzz: Same firebomb buzz that the shatter has only STRONGER! First time I hit these, my ears rang for an hour solid and I was really, REALLY high… off balance, giggly, and generally incapable of doing life.
Potency/Quality: Since this is my first experience with “diamonds,” I have no reference for comparison, save other concentrates. The white death diamonds are definitely stronger than the WD shatter, and are stronger than probably all other concentrates I have tried. These were kind of the thing I was looking for to get that stone I remember getting in highschool, and it takes a lot to get me there.
Dab Quality: Same as the shatter, I guess.. Not overly harsh for me.
Overall: I will be getting more. Nothing else gets me this stoned. Killer.
Incentive for Customers:
Constant discount codes and sales; best bet is to check TGA website, this forum, and discord for current offers and deals. :)
Incentive for Review:
Nope. Just showing the community the goods.
Thanks for reading if you’re still here. Smoke Weed Everyday.

Gelato - The Green Ace - Mar 2019 (Phone/Preview)
Arrived on the dry side so we gave it a few days of rest in the jar, and I’ve just had the first few bowls.. This Gelato has a sweet, doughy aroma with hints of fruit/citrus, but it isn’t as fragrant or sweet in taste as some other batches we’ve enjoyed previously. Hits with an enjoyable, soci...able head buzz followed by balanced relaxation of moderate potency - overall very solid with enjoyable effects.

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