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chuchon06·TheGreenAce·2242d7 reviews

The Green Ace - Black Diamond, Pink Star, Money Maker, Romulan

MOM Name:

The Green Ace

Overall rating out of 10:

9/10 (rounded up because of customer service, keep reading)

Sign Up:

Easy sign up, quick responses to Emails

Ordering & Pricing:

First order, used 15% off coupon if I remember correctly. I f...
StonerSteve64·TheGreenAce·2242d474 reviews

Black Diamond - The Green Ace - January

Decent body buzz relaxing/tiring and gave me major munchies. AAA
StonerSteve64·TheGreenAce·2242d474 reviews

Pink Tuna - The Green Ace - January

Very gassy nose and similar taste with a sweet/sour finish. The nugs are dense and well trimmed and covered in trichomes inside and out. The burn is clean white/light grey ash and leaves a solid oil ring on a joint. The high is a relaxing heavy body buzz thats great for muscle pain or a sleep aid. T...

Pink Tuna - The Green Ace (Jan 2019)

I really REALLY liked this particular bud... It was the best of what I ordered from GA.. I’d put it way up with CWF.. Its definitely top-shelf green.. I was really happy given the price I nabbed it for.
Bing·TheGreenAce·2243d19 reviews

THE GREEN ACE - Pink Cookies, Pink Tuna, Blue Cheese, Death Star & Purple Dream

A Note to Readers: This is only my second or third review, so please bear with me as I learn what the community prefers in a solid review. I have noticed a lot of bilingual and/or Francophone folks in the community, so I thought for the sake of brevity and ease of comprehension I’d try bullet poi...
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