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jeepeevw·TheGreenAce·1471d1 review

The Green Ace Online Dispensary - High School Sweetheart

MOM Name: The Green Ace Online Dispensary

Overall Rating Out of 10: 9.5

Communication/Customer Service: 10

Shipping/Packaging: 10 (really quick and i live in QC (across the country)

Products to Review: High School Sweetheart - AAAAAAAA+ amazing soft on intake supe...
Molkor·TheGreenAce·1472d51 reviews

Contaminated purple space cookies shatter - The green ace - start of February

Explanation of pictures at bottom

I hate to shit post everyone today, but they have forced my hand.

Won a giveaway on IG for 7g of any queen of quads can, got the purple pug's breath... pretty solid stuff. BUT Since I won a giveaway and had never ordered anything I felt bad...
igotbannedboy·TheGreenAce·1486d1 review

Death Star/Queen of Quads- The Green Ace Online Dispensary

This strain is a potent hybrid with a sweet, yet sour scent. Hope you like your weed sticky.

It’s a solid 10/10 for me. They even wrote a joke on the receipt just like I asked?

Well packed & secure, no issues there The team helped me through email quite a bit since I’m a n...
jesaispas666·TheGreenAce·1517d130 reviews

Pink gorilla-gas Demon /The green ace/december

Pink gorilla /gas demon C etait ma premiere essaie sur ce site et ce ne sera pas la dernière

Un tres bon service a la clientelle , Livraison rapide ,embalage discret .Le tout est dans une boite .

APPARANCE : De belle fleurs de formes arondie , vert moyen , tres orangees et g...
MCDaddy75·TheGreenAce·1549d432 reviews

Peanut Butter Breath - The Green Ace - November

Peanut Butter Breath (Queen Of Quads) from The Green Ace

Visual: This Peanut Butter Breath was crazy looking! The leaves and bud were all black and it had yellow crystal and patches or orange hairs all over. It had a very cool contrast of colours. It was a medium sized elongated bud and it ...
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