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WTFCannabis is Canada's leading online weed dispensary for quality products at an affordable price. We pride ourselves on also having the best customer service in the industry. All concentrate products on sale up to 25% OFF.
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pixidis43·WTFCannabis·909d11 reviews

White Death - WTFCannabis - September 2022

White Death

70% indica/30% sativa
Herbal, Pine, Skunky, Spicy
Said to help with appetite, pain, depression and stress.
It didn't take long for the effect to hit and I can say it's a really strong body high and hit so hard you feel like you just lost control over y...
Tab7879·WTFCannabis·910d268 reviews

Northern Lights Live Resin, Wtfcannabis, Sept

A great live resin. One of my most favorite kinds from here.

This is very creamy texture, with kinda of a fine granulation feel when stir it up. Seem extremely fresh due to this. So if you like a wetter resin, this fits perfect.

The smell was very nice, and you got it pretty h...
Blockboxx·WTFCannabis·912d22 reviews

Super pink - WTFCannabis - September 2022

I've been looking for inexpensive weed for a while, now I've found it! Not the best smoke, a little harsh, but weed is weed, and this works. I have to be cautious when I remove part of the leaves since I believe that without doing so will cause the joint to taste very harsh. Since I was out...
Tab7879·WTFCannabis·914d268 reviews

Afghan Kush Budder, Wtfcannabis, September

A tasty budder from CG. I like a deep kush and this was perfect. The color was really nice, and the smell was quite strong of gas and earthy. Looked much nicer than the photos on the site.

The texture was nice and soft, but not too wet. Making it melt really nice, leaving hardly anything ...
snbare·WTFCannabis·916d10 reviews

S'mores - WTFCannabis - Sept 2022

A sweet and smooth smoke with delightfully creamy vanilla taste. Ash was salt and pepper but it was a really smooth experience for me.

The effects are what really matter for me. This one is perfect for a long day after work as it just lift all the stress of my shoulder and give me an up...
1 · · ·32 33 34 35 36 · · ·139


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