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WTFCannabis is Canada's leading online weed dispensary for quality products at an affordable price. We pride ourselves on also having the best customer service in the industry. All concentrate products on sale up to 25% OFF.
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Tab7879·WTFCannabis·919d268 reviews

CG Bubbas Gift Budder, Wtfcannabis, Sept

This budder was just wonderful. The piece was alot lighter than in the photos, and still pretty wet. It made it really nice to work with.

The smell upon opening it was very potent. It had a nice sweet scent with some gas smell lingering in there. Really inviting

The high was gr...
Gelliepuuz·WTFCannabis·919d18 reviews

Tropic Truffle - WTFCannabis - September 2022

The buds were a very dark deep purple with a dark green appearance, yet the frost was white. Burns quite beautifully. A fine, even fire burn to the ash. When smoked, it has a lot more body and is easy on the nose. Strong initial high that weakens into a calm, relaxing buzz that leans more toward an ...
Tab7879·WTFCannabis·922d268 reviews

Ice Cream Cake, Wtfcannabis, August

This was a pretty good treat. Just looking at the buds, I see that they are nicely covered with crystals, good size bud, some are close to 5 grams, and beautiful colors. They had a nice cure on them and fairly solid.The smell was quite nice, I'm getting a creamy smell, as well as some earthy, ma...
airwalker5189·WTFCannabis·924d8 reviews

Berry Bubba - WTFCannabis - September 2022

$79oz... this is an awesome deal! Nice trips/mids, well trimmed, smells and taste of sweet kush. Burns salt and peppa a bit of grey. Potency is light to medium, pretty good for just relaxin a bit in the evening, but not really rock your socks out. Very enjoyable esp. for the price. Overall 8/10 Valu...
Tab7879·WTFCannabis·925d268 reviews

Jelly Breath Live Resin, Wtfcannabis, August

Another live resin I enjoyed alot. The texture was really creamy, and quite fresh. It was easy work with as well because of the great texture.

The smell of sweet hit you right away when you open it. And when you smoke it, you get that as well as maybe a berry taste. It burns very clean as...
1 · · ·33 34 35 36 37 · · ·139


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