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WTFCannabis is Canada's leading online weed dispensary for quality products at an affordable price. We pride ourselves on also having the best customer service in the industry. All concentrate products on sale up to 25% OFF.
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Tab7879·WTFCannabis·982d268 reviews

MK Ultra by Le Chef, Wtfcannabis, june

A fine selection by Le Chef.

As always, it's a very high quality flower. The smell is dank, very sticky, and heavily coated with crystals.

The high is amazing. As a 25 year daily veteran smoker, this rips me up still. Makes me wanna zone out on something entertaining, whil...
Tab7879·WTFCannabis·983d268 reviews

Death Star, Wtfcannabis, july

This death star was pretty much what I expect death star to be like. I have had different cuts and this measures up nicely.

The buds were a medium size and chunky and tight. They were also very sticky from the resin coverage.

The smoke was quite gassey as well as the strong sme...
Tab7879·WTFCannabis·985d268 reviews

Bluefin Tuna, Wtfcannabis, july

This is a great bud. Very heavy couch lock on it and very potent.

There is a nice coating of crystals on it amd the texture is very sticky.

When it's busted up, it leaves pile of crystal behind thay is very golden.

It burns very nice, smooth, not a cough on it,...
Stonerscotian·WTFCannabis·985d402 reviews

Black Diamond - WTF Cannabis - July 2022

This shatter has a beautfiul gold yellow coloring and has a glass like consistency. This shatter snaps right off, its very brittle. Pretty clean looking with no contaminants.

Upon opening the sleek stylish white WTF mylar bag I recieved a bit of sweet aroma. This is a high potency indica...
Tab7879·WTFCannabis·986d268 reviews

Jello Shot Live Resin, Wtfcannabis, june

I really enjoyed this resin. It was very fresh, very terpy, and not dry.

It is very smooth to smoke and has a bit of a sweet taste. Also the smell I could just live in that it's so goodsmelling.

It melts very clean and seems really well made and pure.

This I woul...
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