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WTFCannabis is Canada's leading online weed dispensary for quality products at an affordable price. We pride ourselves on also having the best customer service in the industry. All concentrate products on sale up to 25% OFF.
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milo902·WTFCannabis·1545d160 reviews


Cannatonic (MK Ultra x G-13 Haze)


Really nice tight but light lime green buds with patches of bright orange hairs and completely coated in crystals with some trichomes gleaming in the background. Smell citrus and pine slightly muted but they're there! Ve...
willey12345·WTFCannabis·1548d17 reviews

October 2020 - WTF Cannabis - CG Extracts shatter

Got a 28 for 500 and tbh, was fire. Was suprised by indica quality but the Sativa pack was trash... it had weird stains in it but... I’ve got no pictures so it never happened (my bad). Hybrid (Moby dick) was good, I enjoyed it and smoked a lot of it. Indica strains were ?. Good quality price 7/10<...
milo902·WTFCannabis·1551d160 reviews

Lemon Sour Diesel-Wtfcannabis-December

Lemon Sour Diesel


First time trying a CG distillate product, always read good this about their products. I wasn't let down! Great tasting product I get lemon/citrus? and sour but also some distillate after taste. High is very sativa! I'm stone and I...
indacouch421·WTFCannabis·1551d10 reviews

Master Kush Shatter-WTF Cannabis -December 2020

Waxy and very malleable at room temperature but still easy to work with that has a very noticeable dank smell emitting from the little package it came in. A Strong earth with hints of citrus is quickly noticed after exhaling the dab. Clean melting & smooth on the throat. Potency hits quick feeling l...
milo902·WTFCannabis·1551d160 reviews

Ice Cream Cake-Wtfcannabis-December

Ice Cream Cake


Really nice looking herb at first sight! Medium tight lime green buds covered in red hairs and coated in crystals and trichomes. Smell is very diesel fuel and some sweetness. Taste is sweet and deep musky/earthy flavor that enhances as you get...
1 · · ·81 82 83 84 85 · · ·139


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