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WTFCannabis is Canada's leading online weed dispensary for quality products at an affordable price. We pride ourselves on also having the best customer service in the industry. All concentrate products on sale up to 25% OFF.
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wallbangu·WTFCannabis·1507d340 reviews

Super Lemon Haze Live Rosin [ wtfcannabis] 01/01/2021

Super Lemon Haze Live rosin A cross of Northern Light x Silver Haze A golden terpy sauce rather thick and firm in the cold but super runny when warmed or agitated. Still easy to handle except for huge dabs as it just runs off the tools ahah. Found it quite hard to get some texture in my shots as you...
xxbeauxxx·WTFCannabis·1512d2 reviews

Girl Scout cookies | 86% shatter | WTF cannabis

xxbeauxxx·WTFCannabis·1512d2 reviews

Dutches | 16% | WTF cannabis

spicylatino7·WTFCannabis·1514d1 review

Purple punch -WTFCannabis

Purple punch from WTFcannabis is one of the best budders I’ve tried from them. Honestly this should be included as a premium budder. The budder itself is very easy to mold and easy to decide how much you want. The taste is very nice, more on the sweet side. The smoothness with the vape is amazing...
milo902·WTFCannabis·1542d160 reviews

Slurricane Budder-Wtfcannabis-December

Slurricane Budder

Company: Wtfcannabis

Light brown with a dry waxy texture, moist to touch and very easy to portion and work with!? Smell is nice and pungent once agitated!! I get stong in your face citrus with some gassy notes! Taste is very lemon citrus with some berry. High...
1 · · ·80 81 82 83 84 · · ·139


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