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IG: @weedposters & @wizardwillrise


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breaktime1·WeedPosters·1429d28 reviews

Kush Mints - Weedposters - April

Quality: 9.5/10 Value: 8/10 Bag Appeal: 8/10

Paid $235 with shipping. Fantastic smoke, Smooth. Medium sized buds. Good high. My second order with WP and extremely satisfied.

Wedding bandit weedposters April 2021

Wedding crasher x bandit breath

Package: arrived in a beautiful jar

Looking : big beautiful buds,perfect cured and trim.a real AAAA.mostly covered by trichomes,with a little of purple and dark orange pistils

Smelling : sugared,like candies(christman cane),vannilla an...
st1ck3yf1ng3rs·WeedPosters·1431d9 reviews

Early April deathlybubba weedposters

Had to repost, forgot to mention when it was bought..

I really mucked this order up... deathly bubba looks good but it's too harsh to smoke, I guess I'm making some edibles. Gets me ripped but idk if it's all the coughing sucking the air out of me making me think I'm high ...
st1ck3yf1ng3rs·WeedPosters·1431d9 reviews

Deathly bubba weedposters

I really mucked this order up... deathly bubba looks good but it's too harsh to smoke, I guess I'm making some edibles. Gets me ripped but idk if it's all the coughing sucking the air out of me making me think I'm high or if I'm actually getting high from the bud.

I o...
Midnight_Maverick·WeedPosters·1431d34 reviews

Purple Moonlight LSO - Weedposters - March 2021

This stuff is killer. Nose reeks of diesel/alcohol, similar to the Apricot Moonshine I reviewed a few months ago. Taste is like sweet grape candy.

Super strong sativa buzz from this that had me alert and energized. Its like crack. My 14 gram order came out to 15 grams and was basically 3 ...
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