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IG: @weedposters & @wizardwillrise


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electronifyy·WeedPosters·1497d23 reviews

Scoops - Weedposters // January 2020

The name speaks for itself, and for those who have been lucky enough to spoil themselves with some - no introduction is needed. But to those who are unaware, Scoops is the Holy Trinity of three Cannabis heavyweights Cookies & Cream, Gelato and Tina that was bred by none other than @exoticgenetix_mik...
HighAsNasa·WeedPosters·1498d57 reviews

Black Gas X Mike Tyson -Weedposters - Feb 2021

Smell 8/10 typical gassy smell, the bag apeal 8/10 was nice other then it being a little dry. The taste isnt harsh at all has that nice gas kush taste, smoked nice whitish grey ash. Smoke 8/10. The high was really strong been smoking it during the night time and pretty relaxed and locked into my ch...
CAMomsThrowAway·WeedPosters·1498d16 reviews

Bubba - WeedPosters Ontario - December - $10oz

Boxing Day Special

This Bubba was posted as a one time special to be used for extracts or edibles. Was expecting smalls, most buds medium size. Def smokable, burns peppery.

Pretty much what you would expect from Bubba. The price after Boxing Day was raised to $70 a zip. Honest...
Gnarshreddin1·WeedPosters·1498d4 reviews

Cactus Breath - WeedPosters - Feb 2021

This stuff is some fire stinks of sprite soda kinda a lemon like taste with an ”breath” flavoured exhaled
HighAsNasa·WeedPosters·1498d57 reviews

Ice Cream Cake - Weedposters - Feb 2021

Had a nice creme smell when I opened the jar, decent looking buds. Smell 9/10 Bag Apeal 8/10 It smoked really nice had white ash, still got that creme and candy tasting when smoking it wasnt harsh at all. The high is the best part of this bud, honestly haven't felt so relaxed in a while. Nice an...
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