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May 26, 2021


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BryceKalev·Carly's Garden·1384d8 reviews
I wasn't a fan of any of her previous pinks.. doesn't seem to cure properly and get the proper Terps.. how did this batch turn out?
BryceKalev·KushStation·1761d8 reviews
I love the Gelato smell and smoke, this one is a good example of it as well. The terps are unique to the strain. Potency is very hybrid-like and smokes very smooth and quite wonderful. There is a calming euphoria effect with this strain that makes me really enjoy it.

Quality: 9/10, Value 7....
BryceKalev·Carly's Garden·1768d8 reviews
Very good looking buds. Has a minty cookie pepper smell to it. Overall bud size is good throughout the bag. Hybrid feeling effect with decent potency.

Value 8, Quality 8
BryceKalev·Carly's Garden·1768d8 reviews
Bag appeal is very good with some large heavy nugs. Very very caked on some of the nugs. Potency is quite strong on this one. The smell isn’t too strong. The smoke is smooth and very thick. Quality 9, Value 10
BryceKalev·Carly's Garden·1815d8 reviews
Pretty good for it’s price. I think it was 130 an ounce.

Value = 9

Quality = 8

It comes pretty dry. Potency is pretty good. The nug shapes are really nice. Terps are a bit low
BryceKalev·CannaBudPost·1972d8 reviews
Smokes pretty good, potency and effects are great. Pretty sticky on the inside and the outside is nicely caked as well.
BryceKalev·KootenayCraft·2197d8 reviews
Interesting thoughts. I seem to have it with decent nose, flavour lacks, decent potency and a bit harsh of a smoke.
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