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September 14, 2020


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RaNdMViLnCE·ChronicStore·2744d120 reviews
Order received sucsessfully, it was really dried out, but it packs an ok buzz. Smell is decent but is all really tiny popcorn buds, no nice big pieces.
I’ll smoke it all, would probably try somethis else next time though.
Had a few sample buds of oG18 and a pink Kush that were pretty nice...
RaNdMViLnCE·Delivery Meds·2771d120 reviews
Tried it for the first time tonight, very nice flavor in a J. Pictured was 1/8oz.
RaNdMViLnCE·Delivery Meds·2771d120 reviews
Ya not bad, flavor is pretty smooth, haven’t tried it by itself yet, hard to tell how potent it is yet.
RaNdMViLnCE·Delivery Meds·2777d120 reviews
I can’t say enough good about this stuff.
It’s currently my favorite smoke. Smell is deadly, cakes in crystal. Perfect cure, all nice buds. Looks the same as last months batch, maybe even nicer. 1/2oz pictured above.
RaNdMViLnCE·Delivery Meds·2777d120 reviews
Smells wicked looks wicked, perfect cure job on it, just caked to the tits. Pictured is 1/8 it was 25$.
Does NOT look like the picture on the website! The website showed a purple ass bud, this was not really purple like that at all.
Still amazing bud all the same.
RaNdMViLnCE·Delivery Meds·2777d120 reviews
Haven’t tried it yet, it’s super crispy dry, it has that outdoor kind of piney smell, not great smell really. Nothing worth mentioning. Pictured is 3/4oz.
It’s got allot crystal though. I’ll give it a go tomorrow.
RaNdMViLnCE·Delivery Meds·2777d120 reviews
This bud I bought on a whim, pictured is a 1/2oz.
Some of it was kind of damp, the darker purple stuff did not smell nicely. This is nothing like the batch I saw last month. There is like 5 flavors in this. I would not recommend this bud to anyone, not even for that price. This is one deal that...
RaNdMViLnCE·TheChrono·2794d120 reviews
I’ve only tried a very small price of this, but I’m dying to use the rest, beautiful colors on it.
RaNdMViLnCE·TheChrono·2794d120 reviews
To be honest all this CBD stuff is pretty clean looking. Tasty stuff.
RaNdMViLnCE·Delivery Meds·2796d120 reviews
I don’t think anyone can compete with this at this price point. It’s def stanky.
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