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March 31, 2020


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StonerSteve64·CheapWeed·2421d474 reviews
Yeah it shatters in cooler temps and is pull and snap in warmer weather.

It vapes clean in my sai titanium bucket and is pretty potent. Nice body buzz and head high with a pine/earthy taste. It worth the /g price no doubt! 10g in this picture
StonerSteve64·CheapWeed·2431d474 reviews
Thanks for the help appeciate that dude:) 16:9 1920 × 1080

Here’s the [original pic with no text](
StonerSteve64·CheapWeed·2434d474 reviews
AAA quality it provides a relaxing body buzz but not a tiring high. It’s smooth tastes like pine/earth with a fruity finish. It burns more grey than white ash but is pretty good for the price.
StonerSteve64·CheapWeed·2434d474 reviews
Buds are on the smaller size range from 0.2g - 1.7g in the oz.

Soft and spongey nugs that are sticky to touch and burns slow and even in a joint.

It smells sweet/tropical and tastes very fruity with a mix of pine. The high is sativa dominant which gives you a boost of energy/eupho...
StonerSteve64·CheapWeed·2434d474 reviews
Nope no seeds so far in the OZ.

Contact Tony if you haven’t already let him know about the seeds
StonerSteve64·CheapWeed·2434d474 reviews
This one is a nice Pink Kush has a pungent gassy smell with sweet vanilla/earthy taste. Solid body buzz good for relaxing or night time.

Dense/sticky nugs that range from 0.4g - 3.6g in the OZ. It burns a little dark more grey than white.
StonerSteve64·CheapWeed·2434d474 reviews
Clean white ash slow burn. Tastes really sweet like vanilla
StonerSteve64·CheapWeed·2437d474 reviews
Thank you!

The bud tastes sweet/earthy and smells pretty strong.

Solid sativa effects and it burns clean white ash too. These nugs are fluffy and sticky which makes it great for rolling. Really enjoying this strain so far!
StonerSteve64·CheapWeed·2437d474 reviews
It has a sweet/berry taste with an earthy finish. It smells similar but also has some pine undertones.

The nugs are medium density feels like a hard sponge when you squeeze them. The high feels mainly Indica but has an initial head rush which turns to a realaxing body buzz.
StonerSteve64·CheapWeed·2451d474 reviews
Yeah it’s not my best picture [White Background](

It’s similar to GSC with that sweet/vanilla smell and even hybrid higj but has more of a Lemon Lime taste.
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