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March 31, 2020


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This sativa dominant strain has a sour lemon/citrus smell and tastes sour/earthy with hints of citrus. The nugs are dense with a nice amount of trichomes. Its burns clean but I did find a few seeds as you can see in this nug.

Other than the few seeds this one is a nice citrus tasting strai...
It’s a really smooth smoke tastes like sweet berries/grapes with a hint of pine. Sticky medium density nugs that burn clean white ash. It’s on the expensive side but the quality is deffinetly there! Probably my favourite strain from them so far a long with all the Breath strains.
[Another pic](
These nugs are solid like a rock... Super dense and sticky in the middle (6.5g and 9g nug in picture). A little dry on the outside but nothing a boveda can’t fix; for the price this is decent quality.

The smell reminds me of hashplant with earthy/hash undertones with a mix of over ripe be...
StonerSteve64·CheapWeed·2411d474 reviews
Really smooth taste sweet/berry and hint of pine and has a cheese/pine smell. Ton of trichomes inside and out and huge nugs ranged from 0.8g-10.5g in a qp order. This is from a few weeks ago had some a month ago and had to re order. Same quality both times and if it comes back in stock I’d order m...
StonerSteve64·CheapWeed·2411d474 reviews
Gas/skunk with a sweet finish. Very smooth and the nugs are sticky to touch. Euphoric/relaxing it’s a creeper and helps me with sleep.

Most of the lower priced strains are usually a little bit dry or just scrappy/smaller nugs. I use bovedas in glass jars with all my strains out of habit ...
StonerSteve64·CheapWeed·2411d474 reviews
No it’s caked in trichomes but a little bit dry
It’s really nice has that classic earthy/sweet Girl Scout Cookie taate to it with hints of grape/pine. The high feels sativa dominant more uplifiting/cerebral and a mellow body buzz.

It burns really nice clean white ash and the nugs range from 0.4g-2.4g in the oz. Solid sticky nugs deffi...
This is a great deal if you don’t mind popcorn sized buds. The nugs are 0.2g - 0.6g on average and are very dense/sticky. Pungent gas aroma and kushy taste with nice Indica effects. It burns slow and produces a clean white ash.

Packaging was in a black mylar bag than vaccum sealed and pla...
Solid stuff for the price has an earthy/sweet nose and tastes like earthy grapes. Nice even hybrid high with uplifting/euphoric effects which turn to a mellow body buzz.

However it is a little bit dry so bovedas are recommended. It also burns white/grey ash and taste great in a vape.
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