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March 31, 2020


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StonerSteve64·OkanaganGreen·2514d474 reviews
Oh yeah amazing bag appeal and the nugs were 1.0g-2.5g on average with a few smaller ones.
This Gorilla Pepper has very unique taste and smell. It’s super sweet and has a spicy/woody taste with undertones if caramel. Loaded with trichomes and sticky touch. The nugs are medium density and burns clean white ash.

The high is cerebral and uplifting and somewhat relaxing. It’s a f...
StonerSteve64·OkanaganGreen·2514d474 reviews
If I were to choose between the MK Ultra and Cherry Kush I’d go with the MKU.

Just like their other lower priced strain this CK is kind of dry and in need of bovedas. It does have a slight sweet berry taste in a vape but when smoked it’s un noticeable.

The nugs are on the sma...
StonerSteve64·OkanaganGreen·2514d474 reviews
This MK Ultra consists of smaller nugs around 0.3-1.2g on average. Nice amount of trichomes with airy/fluffy nugs. It’s pretty dry so Bovedas are needed with this one. However it burns clean and is smooth considering the dryness.

It has that classic woody/pungent smell and taste and pro...
StonerSteve64·OkanaganGreen·2515d474 reviews
For real there is so many options out there right now but this lotus larry, cookies and cream, gg4 and comatose are incredible quality for the price!

Thank you I’m glad you enjoy them :)
StonerSteve64·OkanaganGreen·2515d474 reviews
New batch of GG4 is a lot better than the last one(eventhough the last one was great).

Super dense and sticky nugs that burns slow and clean white ash. Loaded in trichomes I’d expect this one to press some nice rosin.

Nice body buzz with major couchlock mixed in with some euphor...
StonerSteve64·OkanaganGreen·2515d474 reviews
It’s sweet and earthy with hints of berry. Really nice trim and medium density nugs. Breaks up fluffy and fairly stick makea rolling pretty easy. I prefer this one in a vape though it brings out the sweetness. This is worth the price would re order no doubt!
StonerSteve64·FireTHC·2516d474 reviews
Yes I would rank this as a quad. It’s dense and sticky nugs that dank like gassy pepper. I’ve had this strain a few times before and this is one of the best!
StonerSteve64·FireTHC·2516d474 reviews
No it is not a quad and it’s listed as AAA on their website which is accurate. If you’re buying bulk this is a great deal no doubt!
StonerSteve64·KronicKush·2524d474 reviews
Its great for the price! Lot’s of trichomes and medium density nugs that break up fluffy. A little bit dry but lots of flavour amd smell. It’s sweet/spicy with hints of grape.
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