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March 31, 2020


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StonerSteve64·Marijane Depot·2549d474 reviews
Ahh this is delicious and actually potent; very impressed with /u/marijanedepot edibles so far!

I ate this as well as a 100mg chocolate cookie last night and woke up slightly high lol. Slept like a baby it was wonderful. At $6/piece you can’t go wrong!
StonerSteve64·Marijane Depot·2549d474 reviews
Pull and snap at room temperature with a decent flavour and a strong high. This is one of the better budget shatters I’ve tried and doesn’t leave much residue.

Tastes citrusy with an earthy after taste. It feels like a sativa uplifting and cerebral high; great for day time use. Great fo...
StonerSteve64·KronicKush·2554d474 reviews
This was a sample thrown in with a few others in a QP order from Chronic Kush.

It has a strong fruity almost sour smell and tastes pretty similar. Medium density a little fluffy but is very sticky and hard to break up. Burns clean gray/white ash and is very smooth smoke and taste amazing in...
StonerSteve64·KronicKush·2554d474 reviews
*Limited quantity (not on menu)

I was lucky to try this one out as /u/chronickushco had a very small batch of this stuff that wasn’t advertised on their website. I believe they are going to be adding some more in the near future.

This Purple Gods Green Crack looks amazing and i...
StonerSteve64·KronicKush·2563d474 reviews
This bud is dry and will need a week in a jar with some bovedas to bring some life back to it. How ever there is a pleasent sweet smell and a lot of trichomes.

The bag appeal is amazing if you are a purple fan. It burns clean with gray/white ash and has a grape/earthy taste with a sweet ex...
StonerSteve64·BuyBudCanada·2565d474 reviews
Solid hybrid with lots of flavour! Burns clean white ash and the nugs are sticky and loaded with trichomes; It tastes woody with a sweet/earthy exhale. I would say this is AAA only thing holding it back is the mellow high. Another great bud for EB!
StonerSteve64·BuyBudCanada·2565d474 reviews
Solid nugs that are dense and sticky and have a strong smell of sour lemons and earthy pine. Tastes similar and provides an engertic/uplifting high. Great stuff really enjoy this one and it’s a steal for this price
StonerSteve64·KronicKush·2569d474 reviews
This one is super dense and caked in trichomes! It’s an Indica dominant hybrid that produces heave relaxation and puts you to sleep. It burns clean white ash and has a pleasant herbal/spicy and earthy smell. The taste is more woody with undertones of pepper; very unique!

Today is the la...
StonerSteve64·KronicKush·2570d474 reviews
We are actualy in the process in changing these ’rules’.

Strain name and MOM name as well as the watermark will be allowed on future posts :)
StonerSteve64·KronicKush·2571d474 reviews
This Hindu Kush is dense and has a dark chocolate/ creamyhash smell with undertones of wood. I’ve always likes this strain for the heavy Indica high but also leaves you with a clear head high. It helps to relieve stress and slowly puts you to sleep. Solid strain and great representation of it; sol...
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