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March 30, 2020


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StonerSteve64·JJMeds·2513d474 reviews
I’ve had this one a few times from JJMeds in the past but this is the best batch yet. Strong skunk/gas smell and tastes the same with hints of wood and earth. It packs a punch makes me pretty tired so I’d reccomend this for night time use. It’s a little more dense than the white bubba but stil...
StonerSteve64·JJMeds·2513d474 reviews
Yeah it doesn’t just look amazing but is amazing lol! Pure gas very heavy body buzz and caked in trichomes. Danks the room up as soon as you open the bag.

Dissapointed in the privacy leak but I have been a customer of JJMeds since the start and had a lot of loyalty points left over so 2 ...
StonerSteve64·Marijane Depot·2513d474 reviews
Decent body buzz and it smells/tastes like captain black vanilla cigarillo
StonerSteve64·OkanaganGreen·2513d474 reviews
This was one of the strains in my 800 hp mix. It’s the same stuff from a month ago just a newer batch. Medium density nugs with a decent amount of trichomes. Fruity smell and taste it’s very sweet and has a slight strawberry taste. Burns clean white ash and breaks up fluffy. Pretty solid body bu...
StonerSteve64·KronicKush·2514d474 reviews
Sweet and pungent aroma with an earthy/grape flavour. Nugs range from 0.3 - 2.7 in the oz. Burns clean white ash and is medium density. A little bit dry but a few days in a jar with bovedas has helped alot! Burns clean white ash and provides a hybrid type high; perfect for anytime really.

StonerSteve64·OkanaganGreen·2514d474 reviews
Yeah it’s a nice smooth smoke but it’s lacking in the cheese smell and taste. It’s more fruity/earthy not my favourite from OKG but still AAA quality and nice bag appeal.

No they just added that today or last night but their GG4 looks real nice!
StonerSteve64·OkanaganGreen·2514d474 reviews
Yeah this one is a great mix of strains!

Super dense nugs with a pungent sweet/woody aroma and a gassy/sweet taste. Strong body buzz with a slight euphoric head high.
StonerSteve64·Marijane Depot·2515d474 reviews
Lol! It’s icing sugar no mold.

The cookie was really chewy and great flavour; little bit of weed taste but I like that. Also potent and would say the dosing is pretty accurate
StonerSteve64·OkanaganGreen·2515d474 reviews
This is one of my favourite AAA grabs from OKG! Very unique smell and taste it’s almost like strawberrys and a cappuccino had babys.

The high is sativa dominant hybrid feeling uplifting and cerbral with a boost of energy and a slight body buzz.

The nugs are medium density with ...
StonerSteve64·KronicKush·2515d474 reviews
This Black Ice is loaded with trichomes and is very dense nugs that burn clean white ash. It has a spicy/woody taste and smells earthy and amost sour like. The high is an Indica dominant hybrid so it starts off euphoric/cerberal and turns to full out relaxation whuch makes it great for sleeping. Maj...
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