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May 1, 2023


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Stonerscotian·hushcannabisclub·1260d402 reviews
Coming in a slick looking circular tin. The cream inside was a lovely pale yellow color. Has a real nice scent of shea butter mixed with a sage mintyness.

The cream could be easily spread on desired area, it wasn't to thin nor thick. Had a wax consistency. A small amount went a long ...
Stonerscotian·hushcannabisclub·1264d402 reviews
Crazy foxtailing and a super caking of shimmering trichomes, these medium to large sized nugs are sporting. Having a lighter green coloring and stunning milky purple throughtout. Trimmed and cured on point being perfect. Has a pretty dense structure with a bit of spongeyness.

When first ...
Stonerscotian·hushcannabisclub·1268d402 reviews
Black Cherry Punch has an extremely heavy nose of sweet fruity punch with a hint of wood. Fire orange hairs cover the heavily caked out buds. Theres a tad bit of lovely purple hueing aswell. Trimmed and cured particularly well, being perfect. Very crystally when busted up.

Upon smoking I...
Stonerscotian·CannaLyft·1288d402 reviews
Ahi Tuna has a mouth watering aroma that is quite loud having a unique with a blend of musky, pungent, gas, and a bit of sugar all mixed in together. The buds are extremely caked with trichomes. Theres beautiful purple hueing, with frosty white green. Trimmed and cured amazingly well.

Stonerscotian·Bud Empire·1289d402 reviews
Appeal: well rounded minty green buds just absolutely plastered in trichomes.

Density: Being of a pretty well rock hard density and being of a mainly medium size.

Smell: Has a succelent sweet fruity candy aroma, with hints of spice.

Cure/Trim: Trimmed and cured par...
Stonerscotian·Bud Empire·1290d402 reviews
Appeal: Super plastered all over in trichomes. Having a milky teal green coloring, with beautiful foxtailing.

Density: Being of a rock hard density and being of a mainly medium size.

Smell: Has a zangy, herbal and sweet mint with slight whiffs of cookie doughyness.

Stonerscotian·Bud Empire·1291d402 reviews
Appeal: Super plastered all over in trichomes. Having a milky teal green coloring, with beautiful foxtailing.

Density: Being of a rock hard density and being of a mainly medium size.

Smell: Has a zangy, herbal and sweet mint with slight whiffs of cookie doughyness.

Stonerscotian·HerbApproach·1293d402 reviews
Appeal: Super caked out and shimmering in milky thick trichomes, resulting in a white green color. There was a bit of purple hueing.

Smell: Smelled of a intoxicating cocktail of sweet and citrus fruits with a nutty spice to it.

Trim/Cure: Trimmed to complete perfection and cure...
Stonerscotian·CannaLyft·1295d402 reviews
Having a beautiful frosted and purpled out appearance these gorgeous buds are called Mk Ultra. The nugs are dense and are having a nice little bit of spongeyness to them. The trim is pretty well perfect and the cure is on point being near perfect as well. The aroma is of a dank, pungnent, musky, sku...
Stonerscotian·Bud Empire·1299d402 reviews
Platinum Blackberry Breath is superbly plastered in desirable milky trichomes. Has a apperance of a gorgeous lighter deep green. The structure is fairly dense and the buds are sticky with electric orange hairs. Trimmed to complete perfection and cured just as well. Has a amazing aroma of sweet and ...
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