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December 12, 2018


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Twarhog·CannabisCanadaShop·2275d8 reviews
Burns clean, classic Rockstar taste, shatters easily when snapped.
Twarhog·TheGreenAce·2276d8 reviews
Harsh on the throat, dark ash, but a great nose.
Twarhog·TheGreenAce·2276d8 reviews
Smooth smoke, dark ash, great flavour, nice colouration on the buds.
Twarhog·TheGreenAce·2276d8 reviews
Nice light grey ash, heavy pink kush nose, little pink but plenty of kush taste.
Twarhog·TheGreenAce·2276d8 reviews
Amazing nose, grey ash, oddly tongue numbing. Caused one of the boys to green out on the fourth joint of the night.
Twarhog·TheGreenAce·2276d8 reviews
Dark ash. Not much nose to it, but heavy on taste.
Twarhog·TheGreenAce·2276d8 reviews
Nice head buzz, dark ash, rough on the throat. Beautiful dark buds.
Twarhog·CannabisCanadaShop·2279d8 reviews house brand Death Bubba Budder.

Creamy smoke with a light earth taste. Great high leading to a couch-locked nap.
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