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Latest Review:
July 23, 2019


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deliriumxy·CannasseurNorth·2043d3 reviews
Arrived in a nice box with an integra boost pack. Buds in the package were sticky. Smells nice, not good at describing. Maybe gsc mixed with something makes sense. Vaped a long session because there was much thc. Terps lasted a while and were tasty. Potency as advertised I believe. Strong stuff last...
deliriumxy·CoastalWildfire·2080d3 reviews
A lot of popcorn in this can. Buds were sticky. Vaped two bowls. Terps were pink kush with some extra subtleties, pretty nice. First impression was that potency was okay, but not knock out punch like advertised. For the price I expected far less popcorn. Need more time to really decide if this was w...
deliriumxy·The.BH.Othority·2101d3 reviews
I like it. It smells and tastes unique fruity, musky. Effects are body sedative. Sacred Garden hype.
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