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June 19, 2021


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joshbucky420·ezweedonline·1662d66 reviews
Product came in a shipment box containing a sealed bag with each strain personally packed in a nicely labeled bag with the mom name and strain name!

Looks; This strain really shined bright with nice orange very hairy pistols on dense tight buds. Nice hints of blues and purples and even blac...
joshbucky420·Cheebas·1663d66 reviews
Packaging came nicely in a shipment bag (scent proof) then in a sealed bag with cardboard to help protect from squishing of the buds.

Nice blacks and purple hues in this bud make it fairly dark. Slightly sugar leafy but covered in crystal, There were also nice hints of dark magenta pinks th...
joshbucky420·Cheebas·1664d66 reviews
Packaging came nicely in a shipment bag (scent proof) then in a sealed bag with cardboard to help protect from squishing of the buds.

Looks; Buds were nicely green and orange colored with a nice dusting of trichomes. not as purple as I expected.But had some nice hidden harder to find hints ...
joshbucky420·BCMedichronic·1664d66 reviews
Came in a shipment bag (smell proof) including a sealed bag inside of a box with product inside. (The nug bags were all matching silver which but this was the only type of logoing the company had)

Nice light colors; light greens with very light white crystal almost like icing sugar with a v...
joshbucky420·BlowOut420·1665d66 reviews
Packaging; Came in a small shipment box containing, a tuna can that held our strain inside to keep from squishing.

Looks; Lots of orange hairs made the bud look yellow (which i thought was a nice touch), Nice tight buds with decent trim job.

Scent; A little bit sweet; little bit sa...
joshbucky420·BlowOut420·1669d66 reviews
Packaging; Came in a sealed tin can (smell proof) then in a shipment box.

Looks; Nice dense buds very green with copper pistols and very minor trichome coverage. Decent trim job. Very well camouflaged hints of darker blues/purples but hardly any and had to really search for it.

joshbucky420·BlowOut420·1670d66 reviews
Packaging; Came in a sealed tin can (smell proof) then in a shipment box.

Looks; Hardly any green to this bud, mostly covered in purple and orange. Just coated in crystal and trimmed to perfection. Very nice tight dense buds.

Scent; At first its pretty mild for scent, with light be...
joshbucky420·BlowOut420·1670d66 reviews
Packaging; Came in a sealed tin can (smell proof) then in a shipment box.

Looks; I found this flower to be nice and colorful with greens and oranges just covered in trichomes. the bud was medium density, dense where it counts but still a little bit on the fluffier side.

Scent; Now ...
joshbucky420·BlowOut420·1670d66 reviews
Packaging was cool and unique came in a sealed tin can then in a shipment box then all inside a smell proof bag.

The look of the bud was very light green with bits of sugar leaf but nice bright orange hairs bud wasn’t tightly dense but wasn’t fluffy either still looked very nice.
joshbucky420·BlowOut420·1670d66 reviews
Buds were bagged then placed into a tin can that required use of a can opener to break the seal.

2.5g Bud very dense in crystal no sugar leaf at all with hints of purple and coppery spots. round like a ping pong ball with nice little hints of pinkish hidden within.

Smells of a real...
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