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June 19, 2021


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joshbucky420·TheChronFather·1848d66 reviews
Delivery was very fast; Ordered Monday, Delivered Tuesday.

Bag appeal and packaging were done very professionally; bud was triple bagged then placed neatly into a sufficiently sized box.

Bud looked very dense and darkly colored green with blackish blue hints and nice darker brownis...
joshbucky420·ChronicPost·1851d66 reviews
Packaging was nice, it was double bagged and then placed inside of a box; buds were still slightly squished even with it being packaged nicely.

Look wise this strain is a beauty. Its nice dark greens with hints of blacks and navy indigo blues along with plenty of very colorful coppery pisto...
joshbucky420·ChronicPost·1854d66 reviews
First interaction with Chronic Post; Packaging was done nicely and as expected by any professional. First Mylar bagged and labeled then vacuum bagged which was lastly placed into a sufficiently sized box.

The buds themselves were popcorn, and slightly squished. The color was a nice dark pin...
joshbucky420·TheChronFather·1856d66 reviews
Angel Hash plant/ The Chronfather/ Early Feb 2020

Delivery was very fast; Ordered Monday, Delivered Tuesday.

Bag appeal and packaging were done very professionally; bud was triple bagged then placed neatly into a sufficiently sized box.

Looks of this bud were slightly misl...
joshbucky420·TheChronFather·1856d66 reviews
First interaction with The Chronfather; needless to say the package came very quickly. We made our order on Monday to which we received the delivery the following day.

Bag appeal and packaging were done very professionally; bud was placed securely into a zip sealed Mylar bag which was then ...
joshbucky420·Sunset BC·1861d66 reviews
This was our first order with Sunsetbc, starting off with shipping, Our package took a total of 8 days from order to arrival. Being the middle of January nearing the end of winter it was a tough time considering the snow storms and other complications.

The packaging of the product was very...
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