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February 2, 2020


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mattnchels·LowPriceBud·1850d120 reviews
Bag appeal - Nice dense perfectly manicured sticky buds. A mix of light and dark green leaf with tons of nice copper coloured pistils with as usual,  a crazy frosty layer of glass like trichomes. Beautiful nug

Smell - Smells of pure DIESEL!

Taste - the smell carries over to the ta...
mattnchels·High Key·1851d120 reviews
Bag appeal - extremely dense, nicely manicured, and sticky buds. Leaves the fingers sticky with resin from handling nugs. Mostly light green but a very little darker green leaf with dark copper and brown pistils that all has a nice coating of sticky resin and nice white trichomes

Smell - I ...
mattnchels·GrassCove·1851d120 reviews
Bag appeal - bit of a sloppy trim but the sugar leaf that was left on the buds are caked in trichomes. Very dense and sticky in texture. Nice very dark green leaf with dark copper coloured pistils throughout which is all coated in a real thick later of chunky trichomes that are very visoble. Even wi...
mattnchels·GrassCove·1851d120 reviews
Bag appeal - very dense, tight buds that are cured very nicely. It came pretty dry but not too too bad. Has nice light, but mostly darker green as well as some purple fuzzy leaf in the right light. Lots of multi coloured pistils that range from light orange to light and dark copper which are all top...
mattnchels·KushStation·1851d120 reviews
Strain info
London Bridge Rockstar AAAA 
70/30 indica dominant  $219/OZ

Bag appeal - these buds are extremely dense, hard like a rock and cured to perfection. I have never felt such a dense bud before, could probably break a window with this weed. Once breaking open the bud, it w...
mattnchels·Hierba·1851d120 reviews
Quality 9/10

Value 10/10

Full review and pics will be posted very soon. Just had to share this pic ☺
mattnchels·High Key·1852d120 reviews
Bag appeal - Nice dense, sticky, and stinky bud. A real nice mix of dark and light green make up the leaf on this bud with nice copper colored pistils that is all blanketed by a nice frosty layer of white trichomes. Very nice

Smell - the smell of cheese I’d very apparent when opening the ...
mattnchels·GrassCove·1852d120 reviews
Bag appeal - caked in trichomes to the point that just handling a bud, cakes your fingers in them. Nicely trimmed nugs with dark green leaf. Loads of light and dark copper coloured pistils which is all caked in a thick layer of frosty white trichomes.

Smell - has a nice smell of fresh berr...
mattnchels·ChronicPost·1852d120 reviews
Bag appeal - Nice dense, properly trimmed, and a bit sticky make for a perfect texture for rolling joints. There’s a mixture of light and dark green as well as yellow leaf with nice copper coloured pistils and a thick, visible layer of nice white trichomes. Handling this nug gets your fingers cake...
mattnchels·LowPriceBud·1852d120 reviews
Bag appeal - could have been trimmed a bit better but the bit of sugar leaf that is left on the buds are caked in trichomes. These buds are very light and fluffy with nice dark mossy green leaf. There are nice bright orange as well as copper coloured pistils and all just covered in a nice thick laye...
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