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March 22, 2022


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matttt111110·HighGradeAid·1192d62 reviews
I bought an ounce of death chocolate mousse which is always a safe bet at hga. The flowers are medium in size. the smell is still so pleasant. I do not know what to add everything has already been said. in short for 170 $ with the points it is a bit expensive compared to the competition but you ...
matttt111110·HighGradeAid·1211d62 reviews
I bought an ounce of death chocolate mousse which is always a safe bet at hga. The flowers are medium in size. the smell is still so pleasant. The effect is stimulating for a few tens of minutes and then the punch of this flower knocks you to the carpet like a rock falling to the ground. For 164...
matttt111110·HighGradeAid·1214d62 reviews
I bought this headband cartridge and am really satisfied. what i love about this product is that it lasts longer and then the effect is much more potent than high voltage pure sauce. on the other hand in terms of flavor and choice I prefer high voltage. I recommend this product for the buzz becau...
matttt111110·HighGradeAid·1234d62 reviews
I bought this cartridge of pink OG and I am really satisfied. what i love about this product is that it lasts longer and then the effect is much more potent than high voltage pure sauce. on the other hand in terms of flavor and choice I prefer high voltage. I recommend this product for the buzz. ...
matttt111110·Enigma Extracts·1245d62 reviews
Good product The taste is very good couchlock buzz I did a power nap after For 62 $ is ok Next time I will try another variety HGA shipping and customer service they are the best.
matttt111110·HighGradeAid·1247d62 reviews
Milky Way cartridge Strain: Truck Funk - HGA early October incentivized review 25$ + free shipping

Good product The taste is very good For 50$ is a good price HGA is the best mom for vape and the customer service
matttt111110·HighGradeAid·1260d62 reviews
Cookies Grower: Death Mint Cookies x Chocolate Vanilla Lover AAAA *30% OFF DAILY DEAL HGA end September incentivized 25$+ free shipping

Good product but not worth 240$ but 168$ is a good deal the taste is good better then the death mint cookies The buzz is perfect for an afternoon semi c...
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